Things That Happen To Your Body When You Wait Too Long To Pee

As newborns, infants and toddlers, we eventually start to learn how to control our bladders. Our brain only knows that when we have to go, it's time to go, and for many of us, we'll need to go around 6 or 7 times a day


After some training we learn to control when we go, and how long we're able wait before we get to a bathroom. And sometimes we wait a little too long. There may not be facilities nearby, or we're just too busy. But holding it in isn't necessarily a bad thing, until it becomes a habit. That's when problems begin to arise, some more severe than others. 

Your bladder can only take so much

Your bladder is only capable of holding so much — roughly two cups of water (16 ounces) — comfortably. For kids it's even less: only four ounces

Think of your bladder as a muscle because, well, that's exactly what it is. When your bladder is overworked, it can affect other things: for example, your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor muscle is what controls whether or not you're going to keep urine in, or let it out. (Imagine going back to your infant days!) So, you want your bladder to be in great shape.


Your brain won't know it's time to go

Believe it or not, the more you put off emptying your bladder, the more it stretches out. Dr. Chamandeep Bali, a naturopathic doctor at the Toronto Naturopathic Health Clinic told the Huffington Post that once the bladder stretches, your brain can lose its ability to know when you have to go. 


That critical message your bladder sends to your brain when it's time to go, can go unnoticed. Which could potentially mean...

You could actually pee your pants!

Now that would be embarrassing, and in my opinion, could possibly be a worst-case scenario. OB/GYN, Lauren Streicher M.D. told Redbook, "As your bladder gets fuller and fuller, there's a good chance you aren't going to make it to the bathroom on time." Yikes! 


Many of us have been there: that "just barely made it" scenario, where the bathroom line may have been just slightly too long, after you sprinted to get there. It's more likely to happen to young children and the elderly, but that doesn't mean it can't happen to you if you push your bladder too far. (Cue the adult diapers!) 

You could get a U.T.I.

About half of all women have had a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) at least once in their lives. These infections occur because bacteria has made its way into the urinary tract, which then causes symptoms like burning, the need to urinate frequently, and pelvic pain, among others. 


But UTI's aren't actually a direct result of holding in your pee. If you don't empty your bladder enough, your body becomes a breeding ground for bacteria which can then cause a UTI.

Bacteria can create other problems

UTIs aren't the only thing that can occur if bacteria makes itself at home in your urinary tract. Different adverse effects can include further infections, fever, pain, cramping, and more. It's definitely a domino effect. Save yourself the hassle and just go!


Other organs can become damaged

Your bladder connects to your urinary system, which includes your kidneys. The kidneys create urine from the excess water in the blood stream, and by filtering waste. The Kidney and Urology Foundation says that if urine travels back up the tubes that connect your bladder to your kidneys, it can cause infections and kidney damage. 


New York Urologist Alex Shteynshlyuger, M.D. also explained in an interview that in long term cases of holding in your pee, elastic tissue can become damaged and eventually be replaced by scar tissue, which then can cause kidney damage down the road. 

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol will cause you to use the bathroom more and so will coffee and caffeinated drinks because they are diuretics, meaning they can increase urine production. So if you're worried about having to use the bathroom often — maybe you're on a road trip, or you're stuck in a meeting — don't drink them.


Just go

The more holding it in becomes a habit, the more you're going to see the problems it can create. It's important to make sure you get to the toilet, not just because of the sheer embarrassment of a potential accident, but because of the fact that some of the health consequences can be very severe. Allow yourself ample time in your day to free your pee, and you'll be golden in more ways than one!


