Gwyneth Paltrow and her then-husband, Chris Martin, had a child together in 2003 and named her Apple Blythe Alison Martin. Paltrow couldn’t understand why her daughter’s name was controversial, arguing, “There are people named Rose or Lily or Ivy or June […] or lots of pretty nouns.”
During an Instagram Q&A, a fan asked Paltrow how she came up with her daughter’s name, and she said, “Her dad came up with the name and I fell in love with it,” and she said it’s “original and cool.” She also makes light of the backlash she received, saying that Elon Musk and Grimes have beaten her in coming up with the “most controversial baby name.”
Apple has clearly inherited her father’s musical genes, as she helped write the Coldplay/Serena Gomez collaboration “Let Somebody Go,” and she and her brother, Moses, sang on Coldplay’s “Orphans.” Meanwhile, Paltrow only has good things to say about ex Chris Martin: “I love him and I'm so grateful to him for giving me these kids.”