Melissa Joan Hart, famously known for “Clarissa Explains It All” and “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” published a memoir in 2013, focusing on her early life at the Professional Children School. This school specializes in teaching children who are in the entertainment industry, so Hart studied alongside other stars like Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jerry O'Connell, and Tara Reid.
On the podcast “Celebrity Memoir Book Club” the hosts discuss how Hart’s memoir described Reid as the “lively, naughty friend,” and that “she honed her rebellious skills at PCS.” Hart also said, “unlike the skin, bone, and boobs she is now,” Reid was “a plump young thing in high school,” which Parker felt was mean and an unnecessary description of someone you’d call a friend.
When Hart first published the memoir she was worried because she didn’t want to offend anyone. Hart felt she had to tell her stories to the public, and that her memoir is “the long-form answer” as to how she ended up “so normal” in comparison to other childhood stars.