Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, grew up knowing he was second in line to the English throne, and he has since taken on a slew of new responsibilities. Many people greeted William as their future king with open arms during his inspiring speech before the Platinum Party on June 4, 2022 at the Palace concert.
William paid tribute to his revered grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, with dignity and conviction, and drew attention to one of her most cherished issues: environmental protection. It's my firm hope that my grandmother's words are as true in 70 years' time as they are tonight: that as nations, we come together in the common cause because then, there is always room for hope," he said.
The crowd applauded Prince William's speech, and more than 10,000 tweets hailed him as "our future King" and said he made his family proud. As one Twitter user put it, "You spoke with passion and eloquence. Your grandmother and father will, and should, be proud. I am pleased that my young son will likely see you as his king."
Queen Elizabeth is said to be "pleased" with how her grandson has conducted himself in recent months. The queen has asked William to take on royal tasks as she gradually relinquishes those that her age and health no longer allow her to accomplish, such as representing her at the funeral of the president of the United Arab Emirates.