Enneagram tests give you a glimpse into your personality, and if you’re an Enneagram Nine, then you are extremely stable, easy-going, and sometimes a bit too go-with-the-flow. Nines are dreamers who have an optimistic outlook on life, so they should live in a city that evokes calmness, and the following locations are some great options.
Enneagram Nines would thrive in Stockholm, Sweden, since it’s one of the safest places in the world and citizens enjoy a great work-life balance. There are many relaxing activities to do in Sweden, such as hiking, fishing, swimming, and they have a day called fika, which is a designated break day where you can relax with a cup of coffee.
On the other hand, Nines often don’t want to upset their life's harmony, so instead of moving, you can just take a trip. With its calm and harmonious atmosphere, Maui would be a perfect city for you to visit; if you are more spiritual, go to Rishikesh, India, known for its yoga and meditation practices and its many holy places to go sight-seeing.