During an interview with Variety, Kim Kardashian made a claim on women’s work ethic, which led people to believe she is speaking from a privileged position. Ladies of “The View,” like Sunny Hostin said, Kardashian isn’t in a position to comment since she comes from a rich, famous family.
On “Good Morning America,” Kim Kardashian clarified why she said her advice to women in business is to “get your f****** ass up and work.” Kardashian said her words were “taken out of context,” and felt defensive when answering since the interviewer made a comment earlier how Kardashian wasn’t famous for anything substantial.
Elizabeth Wagmeister conducted the interview in question, and clarified on Twitter that she did not make the comment on why Kardashian is famous until after the original advice Kardashian made. Kardashian accused Variety of reducing her words to a “soundbite,” and she still has not apologized for her advice.