Man and woman holding smart phones on pink background. Sending heart shape.
Three Simple Tips To End Your First Date On A High Note
Lifestyle - News
There are so many ways for a first date to go wrong, but there are also steps you can take to prepare yourself and start off on the right foot, and you can make sure your date ends as nicely as it began. Here are some tips to end your first date on a high note, especially if you want to see the other person again sometime soon.
One of the most important things is to show your appreciation for your date, since they took time out of their day to spend a few hours with you. Give your date courtesy and say "please" and "thank you," especially if they offer to pay for a meal or activity, and send them a quick text afterward to really show your gratitude.
Another tip to end your date properly is to be honest. If you don’t feel romantic chemistry with your date, still thank them for their company and say you enjoyed the date, but you’re not feeling a romantic connection. If you do feel chemistry with your date, our last tip is to suggest another date idea for the future to keep things rolling.