LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JUNE 12: Tyler Henry attends the Fourth Annual Critics Choice Real TV Awards at Fairmont Century Plaza on June 12, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Michael Kovac/Getty Images for the Critics Choice Real TV Awards)
What The Cameras Don't Show You On Hollywood Medium
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Tyler doesn’t drive
After suffering a brain cyst and ministroke at age 18, self-professed psychic and medium Tyler Henry became hesitant about operating a car. The "Hollywood Medium" host is driven to and from work by his mother, and Henry has joked that "I plan to milk this for as long as I can."
Tyler’s readings
Tyler has called his readings “immersive” and explained that as a clairvoyant, "I receive information visually, but I also pick up on physical sensations.” The star also added that he often sees "flashes" of images or faces relevant to the subject of his readings.
Tyler’s clients
Henry prefers to know as little as possible about his clients prior to his readings. "I really don't want to know anything about my client because I don't want to be biased or have preconceived notions," he explains — the tactic probably helps to sway skeptics at least a little.
Tyler doodles
Tyler Henry likes to doodle while the show is being filmed, since it helps him stay focused and allows him to turn his gift "on and off." He even said that doodling for him has the same effect as the use of rosary beads during meditative prayer, as used in Catholicism.
Tyler’s methods
There are two kinds of psychic readings: a "cold" reading means the medium knows nothing about the person they're reading, and a "hot" reading means they have info on their client. Henry uses both of these methods, but critics say his questions for cold readings are actually pretty generalized.