The One Always Be My Maybe Scene That Makes Us Love Ali Wong Even More

There's a lot to love about Ali Wong. Whether you've followed her from her early stand-up days or are just discovering her now, she's one of a kind with an impressive resume, boasting both writing and acting credits. Her most recent masterpiece? Always Be My Maybe — the Netflix rom-com released in 2019.

Written by co-stars Randall Park and Ali Wong, Always Be My Maybe has been praised for its realistic depiction of the Asian American underachiever (rarely portrayed on screen), who is played by Park as lead Marcus (via Vox). Speaking to GQ, Wong admitted, "I really love Marcus's character ... Growing up in San Francisco, that guy Marcus, that Asian American guy who's been living at home well into this 30s, because rent is so ridiculously expensive in San Francisco, who gets to have his artistic passion at night and his day job, and who's completely satisfied with his life, and who's so attractive, confident and sexy, despite living at home."  

Wong's much more successful character, Sasha Tran, is the perfect counterpoint to Marcus — and offers the film a chance to examine gender stereotypes in relationships.

Ali Wong nails an age-old double standard in this one scene

Wong's character in Always Be My Maybe is a realistic portrayal of a successful woman (something also not often seen on screen). As Wong explained to Glamour, "Sasha has glasses until the end. She's also successful, but not cartoonishly successful. She's not this person in shoulder pads firing people." She continued, "Women who are powerful and successful don't look like that — they're normal chicks." 

And there's one scene in particular that makes us love Wong (and Sasha) even more than we already do. After attending a red carpet event together, Marcus reveals, "I just don't want to be some dude on your arm so you don't have to show up to places alone." She replies, "Why not? What's wrong with that?" Sasha adds, "What's wrong with you supporting me? No one would question it if it was the other way around." 

And it couldn't be more true. When it comes to breaking down stereotypes and shining a light on double standards, hopefully Always Be My Maybe inspires others in Hollywood to follow in its footsteps.