How To Pull Off A Plant-Themed Nursery

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The benefits of plants — whether you see them on a walk outdoors or you're growing them inside your home — have been discussed at large. In addition to instantly revitalizing your mood when you walk in through your doors after a long day's work, there are many reasons why indoor plants are good for your health.

Indoor plants can lead to improved air quality inside your home and they can also contribute toward stress reduction, according to Healthline. A study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology which observed participants who were given two tasks — working with a plant or doing a computer task — found that the activity involving a houseplant was associated with lower stress in the subjects.

Whether you're an indoor plant aficionado or simply someone who appreciates the wonders of nature, you might like to bring the beauty and serenity of greenery into your newborn's environment as well.

A plant-themed nursery can have actual plants

One good thing about a plant-themed nursery is the chance to incorporate actual plants in your design, something you definitely wouldn't be able to do with an animal-themed nursery! Certain health conditions in children, such as asthma, have been connected to poor air quality within our homes, per a study published in the Environmental Health Perspectives. Photosynthesis, the process through which plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, is one obvious reason to use actual plants in your design. 

That being said, not all plants are safe to be placed within your child's space. It's crucial that you do your research into toxic plants that pose a danger to children, such as azalea, chrysanthemums, and poinsettias, to weed out what is safe to be used, according to Healthline. Some plants you can consider are bamboo plant, spider plant, Ficus tree, and areca (via Healthline).

Once you've selected your plants, it might be wise to exercise restraint. You're going to need space for all of your newborn's things, so make sure you don't overcrowd your nursery with greenery, per We The Parents. Your baby is also going to be crawling and moving about soon, so it might do you well to avoid plant stands, and arrange potted plants on a dresser, advises We The Parents.

Plant-themed bedding, walls, decor, and toys

To complement your living, breathing vegetation in the nursery, you could throw in some plant-themed decals, botanical wallpaper, or even wall paint in different shades of green. If you're painting your walls, though, you'd have to start early so as to avoid the bad effects of fresh paint chemicals, per House Beautiful.

A wreath over the baby's crib, plant-themed wall hangings, plant-print bedding and pillowcases, and leaf-print nursery closet dividers are all some fun and easy ways to stay true to your theme, according to Nursery Design Studio.

Your newborn's play area can also be plant-themed, especially if you are keen to introduce the many benefits of your green friends to your child at an early age. In addition to toy gardening tools and plant-themed puzzles, you can have a bookshelf with books about plants. "ABC's For Little Sprouts" by Cate Chauntee, "The Hidden Rainbow" by Christie Matheson, "A Tree Is a Plant" by Clyde Robert Bulla, and "Baby Botanist" by Dr. Laura Gehl are all great options. The important thing to remember is to have fun with the design process. Welcoming a newborn into your home is an exciting time and decorating your nursery is meant to add to that excitement.