Does The Newly Approved Daxxify Really Last Longer Than Botox?

Wrinkles are everyone's enemy. So much so that the anti-wrinkle industry, which comprises anti-aging treatments and products, is valued at a staggering $20.25 billion, per Grand View Research, and this data dates back to 2018. In the years since, there have been far more creams, gels, injectables, lasers, and other supposed antidotes that have popped up and promise to help people look more youthful.


The fountain of youth, unfortunately, does not exist, but, for most people, the next best thing is Botox. Time notes that Botox originated in the 1970s when an ophthalmologist named Dr. Alan B. Scott was trying to come up with a solution for people with crossed-eye disorder. Along the way, he invented Botox by accident, and the drug was eventually bought by a company that discovered its wrinkle-zapping potential. It didn't take long until it was embraced by the cosmetics industry for eliminating fine lines and improving the appearance of wrinkles. The rest, as they say, is history.

But the thing about Botox is that it has an expiration date. People who wish to remain looking young through the treatment need to have it done every three to six months, as that's how long its effect lasts. The good news is there's a new injectable in the game that promises similar results, except that it supposedly lasts longer than Botox. It's called Daxxify, and it has just been approved by the FDA.


Daxxify supposedly lasts twice as long as Botox

In September 2022, the FDA gave the greenlight to Daxxify, a treatment that, in nerd talk terms, treats "moderate-to-severe glabellar lines associated with corrugator and/or procerus muscle activity." But what that means in layman's terms is that it's designed to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. It doesn't sound so different from Botox, sure, but it's already considered revolutionary as it promises to last six months at the minimum.


In studies conducted by Revance Therapeutics, the company behind Daxxify, patients who participated in the clinical trials enjoyed lasting effects, with half the subjects still having little to no fine lines at six months. In some cases, the effects even lasted an impressive nine months. 

That's far longer than what Botox offers, meaning that people can save on trips to their dermatologists. Instead of going every quarter, they can cut it to two trips a year. "Users do not have to go once every three months," pharmaceuticals specialist Dr. Prasad told The New York Times. "In a world where time is of the essence, having a product with a long duration factor is extremely useful."

Then again, it should be noted that these claims were made by Daxxify makers, and the injectable's effect on the public remains to be seen. If they are to be believed, however, suffice to say that it would be a game-changer in the world of aesthetics.


The science behind Daxxify

Technically speaking, Daxxify is Botox. It's also derived from botulinum toxin, the very substance Botox comes from (hence the name). But it's different in that it doesn't contain human serum albumin like Botox and injectables of the same kind. Instead, it's powered by peptides, which are supposedly the secret ingredients that make it last longer.


"Peptides have been successfully introduced as topical, oral, and injectable products and now we have the first and only peptide-formulated neuromodulator," board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jody Comstock told Allure. "The extensive studies reveal a safe, longer-lasting neuromodulator that naturally slows down the accelerating aging that moderate and severe muscle movement creates." Daxxify doesn't require any refrigeration, which Botox does, so people can expect to see results faster.

But, as with all injectables, Daxxify has its fair share of side effects. According to the Revance study, the most common adverse effects experienced by patients were headaches, drooping eyelids, and facial paralysis.


The date that Daxxify hits the market is yet to be set, so you still have time to decide if it's worth the try.

