Meet Princess Tatiana Of Greece And Denmark

You may be familiar with Princess of Wales Kate Middleton, the young Princess Charlotte of Wales, and, of course, the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, but nearby in the peninsular nation of Greece lives a little-known fellow royal — Princess Tatiana of Greece and Denmark. 


Before Kate and Meghan walked down the aisle and into the English history books, Tatiana Blatnik became a symbol of every little girl's Disney dreams by marrying into Greek royalty in 2010 (via Greek Royal Family). The low-key royal not only represents a nation far more lush and Mediterranean than foggy old England, but also has a story that rivals Meghan Markle in terms of cross-cultural intrigue.

From South America to the United States to Europe, Princess Tatiana's journey to royal status is an odyssey of aristocratic family drama and trans-Atlantic moves, all leading up to her fairy-tale happy ending in the form of Prince Nikolaos of Greece — the man who captured Tatiana's heart and convinced her to give up life as a commoner. 


While Princess Tatiana may count herself lucky that she's been able to duck the sort of international media attention that someone like Meghan Markle has attracted by coupling up with the son of a king (especially now that she and Prince Harry have released their revealing "Harry and Meghan" Netflix documentary), the truth of Princess Tatiana's journey from working woman to Greek royalty is also one that has the power to inspire women worldwide.

She was born in Venezuela

Though her original royal connections can be traced back to German aristocracy, Tatiana was born in Caracas, Venezuela. Her family soon relocated to Switzerland, however, and it was there where she spent the majority of her youth (per Vogue). The family is incredibly international. Her mother is German, and her late father was Slovenian. Princess Tatiana's father died when she was young (per Royal Central). She was raised by her mother and stepfather, who later walked her down the aisle at her wedding (per Hello).


Tatiana lived a charmed life alongside her brother, Boris Blatnik. Together, they grew up among the blue bloods of Switzerland. As a teenager, she attended Aiglon College, a private, coed boarding school located in the Swiss Alps, where she learned mindfulness and teamwork (per Aiglon).

However, the wanderlust gene seemed to have a hold on Tatiana as well, as the future princess soon traveled to America for college, studying sociology at Georgetown University. Her brother, on the other hand, has made Switzerland his home, working as the CEO of KannaSwiss, a major European CBD brand (via Get the Dose). 

She worked as an event planner

Before being whisked off to a life of princess duties, Tatiana lived and worked in London as an event planner. Her boss was none other than the famous Belgian fashion designer, Diane von Fürstenberg (via Vanity Fair). One can assume that the two women had a lot in common, as Fürstenberg also studied in Geneva and claims a Germanic royal connection, having been married to Prince Egon von Fürstenberg of the House of Fürstenberg from 1969 to 1983 (via InStyle). 


Tatiana's skills as an event planner were on full display during the lead-up to her marriage to Prince Nikolaos of Greece. In fact, it was the workload of having to plan a royal wedding that led Tatiana to bid her time with the Fürstenberg firm goodbye.

Hello reports that the countdown to the royal wedding began days in advance, starting with a waterside cocktail party where "guests sipped champagne and strawberry cocktails –- Tatiana's favorite."

Princess Tatiana and Prince Nikolaos have deep royal roots

When Tatiana wed Prince Nikolaos of Greece in 2010 and officially became Princess Tatiana, they said their vows in front of 350 attendees on the beautiful Greek island of Spetses (via Hello). The guest list for the ceremony sported several monarchs from around Europe, including royals from Sweden and Spain.


This is hardly surprising, considering Nikolaos' royal heritage dates back all the way to Queen Victoria of England (per Love to Know). Though her reign officially ended with her death in 1901, Town & Country published a report in 2022 that illustrates just how much the world's surviving monarchies stem from Queen Victoria's family tree. Tatiana in particular is married to a dual-descendant of the queen due to Prince Nikolaos' mother and father — King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie — being third cousins (per Royal Central). 

For this reason, Tatiana and Nikolaos' wedding was a real star-studded affair. Hello counted among the wedding guests European royalty such as King Felipe and his style-icon wife, Queen Letizia of Spain, Nikolaos' aunt Queen Sofia of Spain, as well as King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and his wife Queen Máxima.


Princess Tatiana and Prince Nikolaos have no children

Bucking centuries of royal tradition, the 42-year-old Princess Tatiana and her husband Prince Nikolaos have chosen not to have children (per Greek Royal Family). 

As the second son to the former king, the pressure to carry on the family line may have been less intense for Nikolaos and his bride. However, whatever the story may be behind their choice, Tatiana and Nikolaos represent a growing wave of 21st-century couples who are enjoying life as a duo.


As members of a large family, Tatiana and Nikolaos are nevertheless surrounded by youngsters. Nikolas has four siblings, two of whom have given the couple several nieces and nephews (per Royal Central). Tatiana also seems to have a close relationship with her brother's two children, Niko and Alexa. Sharing images of a family vacation on Instagram in 2021, the Greek princess wrote, "Being an aunt is one of the biggest blessings in my life. My niece and nephew bring so much joy and happiness to everyone in our family. They are wise beyond their years and are some of the best teachers, constantly teaching me new things."

She will never be Queen Tatiana

If you're familiar with any Disney film, you might assume that the natural progression of someone with the title "Princess Tatiana of Greece and Denmark" would be eventually graduating to the title of "Queen Tatiana of Greece and Denmark." However, the real-life tale of Tatiana's ascension into royalty is a bit different from what we see in pop culture.


In 1974, the Greek monarchy was abolished, nullifying any claim Tatiana and Nikolaos might have previously had to the throne (via The New York Times). However, even if the Greek nation had not reconfigured its political system, there would still be one important figure standing in the way. 

Born two years before Nikolaos, the prince's older brother, Crown Prince Pavlos, was declared the heir apparent upon his birth on May 20, 1967 (via The New York Times). Without the 1974 referendum, it would be Pavlos, not Nikolaos, who would be in line to assume the throne upon their father's death. However, as slim as the odds of having a Queen Tatiana of Greece may be, you can never say never. 

King Paul I, Nikolaos' grandfather, was the third son of King Constantine I (via Greek Royal Family). Britannica reports that it was only after the deaths of his two older brothers that Paul was crowned king. Therefore, in another timeline, with a few Disney-like twists of fate, it's possible that we could count Queen Tatiana of Greece among the world's reigning monarchs.


Tatiana's princess status is complicated

Wait a minute — if the Greek monarchy was abolished in 1974, is Tatiana even a real princess? The answer is complicated. 

"Modern Greek political history," according to Vogue, "is all chaos: coups and counter-coups, civil war, assassinations, strikes, juntas. Greece's royal family has been routinely tossed about in these historical squalls."


King Constantine II took the throne in 1964 following the death of his father, King Paul I (per Britannica). The newly crowned Constantine, a young man of just 24, was a symbol of hope for many. However, tensions left over from a recent civil war led to a military coup in 1967 (per Town & Country).

After a failed counter-coup, Constantine and his family fled the country, originally finding refuge in Italy (per TODAY). It was a hectic time for the family. Recalling his escape from Greece, Constantine told Town & Country, "We had less than three minutes of fuel when we touched down. I had to borrow $300 from my valet to refuel the plane, and my brother-in-law [King Juan Carlos] had to send me clothes."


The family would remain in exile for the next 46 years, with the Greek people no longer recognizing them as their royal family (via The Guardian). Though Tatiana continues to be known as a "princess" of Greece, the title is not recognized by the Greek government.

She didn't visit Greece until 2004

When the Olympics were held in Athens in 2004, Prince Nikolaos and his parents returned to their homeland for the first time in decades. In a report published by TODAY, Nikolaos was referred to as "London's most eligible prince." However, Tatiana, his then-girlfriend, quietly accompanied him on the trip. 


Speaking to Vogue in 2016, Tatiana would recall that first visit to Athens as a turning point in their relationship. "Coming here was really emotional," she said, "overwhelmingly so, because Nikolaos was so attached to the idea of Greece and couldn't get enough of it. One night, I was exhausted and wanted to go to bed but he pleaded with me, 'No, please, I must watch every sunset and every sunrise. I've been longing for this my whole life.'"

The 2004 Olympics ushered Greece into a new age, not only resulting in the construction of the Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport but also bringing a long-awaited glimpse of the country's exiled royal family (via Olympics). 

Caught up in the patriotic pageantry that comes along with any Summer Games, the Greek public began to soften toward the royal family, paving the way for their return. Speaking with Katie Couric in 2004, King Constantine II said, "The people have been so kind to us, wherever we go, the atmosphere has changed dramatically" (per TODAY). Nikolaos and Tatiana officially relocated to Athens in 2013, with the king and queen following a few months later (per The Guardian).


The Greek people have little nostalgia for the royals

While Prince Nikolaos and Princess Tatiana have lived happily in Athens for almost 10 years now, many Greek people have expressed little desire for the family to reclaim their royal status (per Greek City Times). For example, after Nikolaos' brother, Pavlos, was interviewed on the BBC following Queen Elizabeth II's death, many Greeks protested the network's use of the title "Crown Prince of Greece" (per The National).


In a profile of Tatiana for Vogue, a cab driver named Eleftherios seemed nonplussed that the royal family returned to Greece. "Of course they came back," Eleftherios said. "Anyone who has lived in Greece, who has seen this beautiful country, will always want to come back."

According to Vogue, what little affection the Greek people hold for the monarchy seems to concentrate on their old palaces and gardens. In the '90s, the government seized the royal family's palace, Tatoi, and their villa on the island of Corfu (per Vanity Fair). Since then, Tatoi has become rundown; what used to be a manicured royal garden is now a forgotten yard littered with old stones and surrounded by a chain-link fence (via Atlas Obscura). 


The royal family, for their part, has expressed a desire to move on and to live graciously among the people. According to The Guardian, the former King Constantine "has been spotted cane in hand walking the streets of Athens," completely indistinguishable from any other Greek grandfather.

She's a humanitarian

Perfectly content to live as a "commoner," Princess Tatiana makes it a priority to give back to the Greek population. Nearing 10 years since her move to Athens, the princess' most famous venture has been her partnership with Boroume, a charity focused on reducing food waste in Greece (via Boroume). 


Mental health also features heavily in her charitable causes, with the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic inspiring her to launch BREATHE — an online campaign to promote mental health and well-being (per Tatiana Blatnik). This is personal for Tatiana, who shares that it was suicide that took her father from her when she was only 7 years old. It was his death that led to her building a career "dedicated to helping others and creating positive social impact" (per BREATHE).

In the summer of 2021, Tatiana also did her part in fighting vaccine hesitancy. Through her online journal, she shared a photo of Nikolaos with his sleeve rolled up, ready to take the jab. Tatiana wrote, "Nikolaos got his [first] dose of the anti-COVID vaccine! ... Very grateful for the efficient and seamless vaccination program of the National Health System of Greece and the Ministry of Digital Governance." 


She went on to share her gratitude for the front-line workers of Greece, adding, "A huge thank you to all who continue to work on the front lines day and night so that we can all have a healthier future."

She's a big foodie

A huge part of Tatiana's humanitarian efforts centers around food, as the princess is an avid foodie. In partnership with Boroume, she released a cookbook in 2016, the proceeds of which went directly to the food-based charity (via Tatiana Blatnik)


Titled "A Taste of Greece," the book also included recipes and anecdotes from popular cultural figures that reflect their love of Greece. With guest writers such as Arianna Huffington, Margaret Atwood, and Nobu Matsuhisa, the book utilizes the power of celebrity to make a real difference in a country where many struggle with food insecurity (via Tatiana Blatnik). 

In her discussion with Vogue, Princess Tatiana chose to meet the writer outside a soup kitchen in Athens, which at the time was partnered with Boroume. 

The princess told Vogue, "I always want to do more. ... There are so many problems here that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. If I start to think that I've only helped three or 30 or 300 people, then there's a real sense of helplessness — it's just not enough. But I really believe in the ripple effect. You do as much as you can and you hope that it spreads."


Venezuela holds a special place in her heart

Though her national identity has gone through many phases, Tatiana has never forgotten where she came from. In 2010, the princess tapped Angel Sanchez, a Venezuelan designer, to construct her wedding dress (per Hello). 


Sanchez told MSN, "Tatiana is a classic beauty — very Grace Kelly, tall, with a streamlined figure and natural elegance — everything a designer could ask for. We decided on a classic strapless gown with a soft A-line skirt made with 40 meters of French chantilly, asymmetrical draping, and delicate embroidery." 

Reflecting on the design process, he said, "To complete the romantic yet conservative look, I created a chantilly hand-embroidered bolero — a mandatory requirement for the ceremony."

Tatiana showed her Latin American roots through the addition of the bolero, as the collarless and delicate garment originated in Spain before filtering down to other nations like Venezuela — just like the music genre that also shares its name (per Business of Fashion). 


In addition to her veil, Tatiana also wore the Antique Corsage Tiara, a family heirloom lent to her by her mother-in-law, Queen Anne-Marie (per The Court Jeweller). Paired with her Latin-inspired wedding gown, the newly-christened Princess Tatiana represented her unique blend of cultures beautifully as she and her new husband departed from their ceremony in a horse-drawn carriage (per Vogue Australia).

She has fallen in love with Greece

Through her time in the country and her efforts to improve its locals' quality of life, Greece has officially captured Princess Tatiana's heart. Politically, the country has long been on shaky ground. The "Greatest Depression," as it was called by Forbes Magazine, crippled the nation for over 10 years.


"Adding to the economic problem," reports CNBC, "is the exodus of thousands of people from Greece."

However, Tatiana is proud to have stood by her husband's native land. During a dinner with Prince Nikolaos in 2016, she spoke fondly of her adopted homeland. She is quoted by Vogue as saying, "Today I've never been happier, more excited, more at home. But when I first told my friends I was moving here, they were like, 'Are you crazy? Everyone's leaving Greece.' But my whole experience has been the opposite of what people have expected."

Far from the chaos and poverty her aristo friends expected from the troubled nation, Tatiana has found nothing but peace and prosperity in Athens. She goes on to say"If you look at it one way, all you see is disaster, depression, turmoil. But look at Greece another way and you see rebuilding, innovation, creativity, ingenuity. Slowly, you start to find a little bit of order coming out of the chaos" (via Vogue). 


