If Your Significant Other Compliments Your Friends, It Might Just Be A Sign You've Found The One

Finding "the one" in the modern age of dating is a complicated process. How do you know if you've chosen the right person when you could be even more compatible with the next Bumble match or guitar player on Hinge? Whether you're shopping for shoes or a long-term partner, the more choices you have, the more difficult the decision becomes — and the less likely you to leave happy. 


Though it can be hard to know for sure if you've met your soulmate, there are certain green flags to look out for when considering a match. Namely, ask yourself whether you're fully comfortable around this person, whether the relationship allows you to grow, and how well you communicate. "I believe that soulmates aren't born, they're created, meaning that you can spend the rest of your life with one person and have a deep and beautiful love story, but that process is co-created," relationship expert and licensed family and marriage therapist Dr. Christie Kederian professed in a conversation with Seventeen, adding, "[It is] not a Prince Charming who arrives perfectly ready to sweep you off your feet."


When in doubt, turn to The Spice Girls for advice — as they famously said, "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends." Ultimately, a sign of a promising relationship is respecting one anothers' friendships. So, if your partner pays your bestie a compliment, consider it a plus.

Many healthy couples share friends

It's a green flag if your significant other values the important people in your life. In other words, if your friends make you happy, they should make your partner happy, too. Your significant other's willingness to get along with your friends — and visa versa — is indicative of the relationship's long-term success. "Not making an effort with your partner's friends can lead your partner to feel caught in the middle, having to choose one over the other," psychotherapist and relationship expert Nikita Amin warns Stylist. On the flip side, enjoying the company of the same people is indicative of shared values, and revolving in similar social circles can actually benefit your relationship.


The bottom line? If your partner puts in an effort with your friends, it's indicative of their commitment. They're looking to become a stable part of your life. Compliments come with a caveat, however — if your significant other primarily compliments your friends' physical appearance, for instance, take this as a warning sign.

If the people you love clash, evaluate why this might be

If your partner dislikes your friends, make sure you have a clear understanding as to why — their perspective could be an important one to consider. "Sometimes it takes an outsider to put a second set of eyes on a situation that you're too close to see clearly, and help you see what's really going on," relationship and etiquette expert April Masini told Elite Daily, continuing, "If you have a partner who has your best interests in mind, and your friends are passive aggressive, abusive, or not kind, your partner not liking these friends may be a way for you to reassess them yourself." As a rule, incorporating new people and perspectives into our lives allows us to grow. 


Alternatively, if your significant other criticizes your positive friendships, it's a sign they're not "the one." This could be indicative of larger control issues. When in doubt, take note of your friends' opinions. Although attraction can sometimes cloud judgment, friends outside of your relationship will be able to approach the situation with clarity and help you as needed. Although finding "the one" can be a frustrating process, there's no need to rush it along.

