Kate Middleton's Most Relatable Mom Moments

In April 2011, the world tuned in to watch Prince William and Princess Catherine tie the knot in Westminster Abbey. It was a momentous, can't-miss occasion that reignited and solidified royal fever in American pop culture. We've watched admirably as Catherine underwent a stunning transformation, from commoner to Duchess of Cambridge, and finally, Princess of Wales. When the couple became parents, America fell in love with each of the royal children as well.


Prince George came along first in 2013, becoming third in line for the throne. Princess Charlotte was born in 2015, and by 2018, they became a family of five, welcoming Prince Louis. Growing up under the watchful gaze of the media can't be easy, not to mention all of the royal stipulations the children are expected to follow. Prince William and Princess Catherine have faced an enormous amount of pressure to not only ensure they follow royal guidelines but also be the best parents they can be, with the world watching their every move.

Despite this insurmountable pressure, Princess Catherine has time and again reminded us that she's not always on royal duty and sometimes takes a break to just be a normal mom. She's become an inspiration to parents everywhere, as she's actually "hugely involved in every single part of their day," according to an insider for People. Here are some of the times Princess Catherine has had the most relatable mom moments.


Princess Catherine loves making her kids' birthday cakes by hand

The royal mother would have no trouble hiring a personal baker or ordering an extravagant cake for her children's birthdays. However, Prince Catherine has said that she loves to bake, and she's made it a tradition to make all three of her kids' birthday cakes herself, by hand, every year. Appearing on Mary Berry's BBC Christmas special, "A Berry Royal Christmas" in 2019, Princess Catherine shared, "It's become a bit of a tradition that I stay up until midnight with ridiculous amounts of cake mix and icing, and I make far too much. But I love it" (via YouTube).


Many parents can relate to the tradition, knowing how much effort goes into the planning and preparation of their children's birthdays. Baking does seem to be one of their family activities though, as Catherine shared on their official Twitter account in 2022. The post included pictures of the children and her baking cakes for a street party that took place in Cardiff for the Platinum Jubilee, with the caption, "We hope you like them!"

Princess Catherine has said she also loves to cook with her children. On the Mary Berry program, she said the family even grows their own vegetables. "We've got carrots and beans. Beetroot's a massive favorite. Louis absolutely loves beetroot. Charlotte obviously likes her Charlotte potatoes" (via YouTube).


Princess Catherine plans the family's schedules

With three young children and a busy royal schedule to attend to, Princess Catherine certainly stays busy. But like any mom, she knows the importance of keeping her kids engaged with school, extracurricular activities, and playdates. Prince William and Princess Catherine have said that they won't embark on tours longer than a week, so as not to disrupt their children's schedules too much, and it seems this is only made possible by Catherine's meticulous scheduling.


Although the royal couple was on tour around the Caribbean in 2022, a mother's duty is never done. The Daily Mail reported that while in Belize, Catherine was up until four in the morning, making plans for her kids. She was reportedly scheduling Princess Charlotte's dance lessons, Prince George's sports matches, and Prince Louis's bedtime routine over WhatsApp. A lot goes on behind the scenes, but a source told The Sun that the couple "have developed this brilliant knack of letting as much as they can seem spontaneous and that's how the children see it."

One of the many events to organize in her kids' busy schedules is time with friends, and Prince William and Princess Catherine have even been known to host playdates at Kensington Palace. While the setting is certainly grander than many would be used to, it goes to show that parenthood comes with playing host to your kids' friends and parents on occasion — no matter who you are.


Princess Catherine does the school runs

As part of her efforts to give her royal children a (somewhat) normal life, Catherine has elected to pick up and drop off her kids at school each morning, in spite of her status. Although this garners a lot of attention with the media always hot on her trail, analyzing her outfit of choice, it's one of the many acts she performs for her children to feel as normal as possible. George, Charlotte, and Louis started at Thomas' Battersea near Kensington Palace, which is considered low-key, but have since transferred to the more prestigious Lambrook School, near Windsor.


Prince William has been spotted many times doing drop-offs as well, and the parents often walk their children in on their first day of school, holding their hands supportively. Catherine couldn't escort Prince George on his first day, as she was suffering from morning sickness, but seemed thrilled when it came to dropping off her two youngest when they began school.

And despite what's being run in the press about her on any given day, she's not afraid to show up for her kids. Right after the release of Prince Harry's memoir, "Spare," which painted Princess Catherine in an unflattering light, she was seen on the usual school run. Having been spotted dropping off her children on their first day of the new term, she carried on driving, ignoring the photographers.


Princess Catherine takes the kids on day trips

The royal couple seems to be always on the move, whether they're on tour or attending highbrow events. With their royal duties demanding fairly regular travel, Prince William and Princess Catherine have to leave their kids with their trusted nanny, Maria, from time to time. However, their busy schedule still permits them to make time to take Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis out on day trips as a family.


In 2020, Catherine and the kids were spotted at Mable's Paint Pot, a DIY ceramic crafts spot in Norfolk. While visiting Wales in 2022, Prince William and Princess Catherine discussed their familial rugby rivalry, with William as a patron of the Welsh Rugby Union and Catherine as England's Rugby Football League patron. They shared that they went to see a Wales vs. England rugby match, and took Prince George along with them. The following year, the royal parents were able to use their influence to treat their children, as they visited the set of "The Rings of Power."

Although they aren't like most families, it's clear that Prince William and Princess Catherine still value the time they get to spend together as a family, and getting the kids out of the house is a very relatable way they get to bond together.


Princess Catherine struggles with mom guilt

Royal or not, there are times you're not always able to be with your kids, and that can make you feel pretty guilty. In 2020, Catherine was a guest on Giovanna Fletcher's podcast, "Happy Mum Happy Baby," where she shared about how she's often struggled with mom guilt. "Even this morning, coming to the nursery visit here, George and Charlotte were like, 'Mummy, how could you possibly not be dropping us off at school this morning?'" she said (via YouTube).


Many mothers can relate to the feelings of guilt when they're working or have to take a trip and can't be there to tuck their kids in or help them with their homework. In the same interview, Catherine said "it's a constant challenge," and that it's something heard from mothers everywhere, even the ones who aren't having to "juggle work life and family life."

It's no easy task for any parent, and as Catherine puts it, from the moment you have a baby, you're "always sort of questioning your own decisions and your own judgments and things like that." We can only imagine what it must be like to have royal duties and expectations all over the world while your three young children are waiting for you at home.


Princess Catherine loves to share photos of her children

Like any proud mother, the Princess of Wales adores snapping pics of her cute kids and sharing them. Prince William and Princess Catherine's official Instagram is filled with photos of the couple meeting the public and promoting charitable works, but it also features some lovely candids and beautiful portraits of Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. She's used these snapshots as a window into the family's lives, as the public gets to see her children grow up on her own accord.


It's clear Catherine has an artistic eye. She was an art history student at St. Andrews, where she met her husband. She has credited her grandfather as a major influence on her passion, as he taught her how to take photos. In 2020, she even paid tribute to Holocaust survivors through a photography project, meeting two people who went through the atrocities and their families, taking their portraits.

She has made strides in showing that the old-fashioned ways royals used to do things have become outdated since the introduction of the internet, and has put her photographic skills to great use. When it comes to boasting about your kids on social media, this is yet another relatable mom moment we can all get on board with.


Princess Catherine and Prince William discipline their kids

You would think that growing up as a prince or princess in the spotlight would be the perfect recipe for spoiled children, but the royal parents have taken great strides to keep their children in line. Prince William and Princess Catherine reportedly have only one very strict rule, which is to keep shouting and loud voices to a minimum. This is because they advocate for communication and encourage their children to share their feelings, but the communication breaks down when there's shouting involved. It's also something that would draw unwanted attention to the royals.


In 2016, Catherine was made guest editor for the day at HuffPost, where she wrote an article titled "Let's Make a Real Difference for an Entire Generation of Young Children." The piece discusses raising awareness around mental health in young children. She wrote, "William and I would not hesitate to seek help for our children if they needed it. We hope to encourage George and Charlotte to speak about their feelings."

With this in mind, it makes sense that instead of a timeout area, Prince William and Princess Catherine have opted for a "chat sofa," a source told The Sun. This is a safe space where the child can be spoken to in a comfortable environment and understand why they are being punished. It can be difficult not to lose your cool as a mother, but Catherine is setting a fantastic example of a calm discipline style.


Princess Catherine struggled with toddler tantrums

Princess Catherine released a public research survey in 2020, titled "5 Big Questions on the Under Fives," as part of her work on early childhood development. She later posted a video on Instagram thanking everyone for taking part, then held a brief Q&A. One of the questions she received was, "How do you handle toddler tantrums?" Catherine laughed. She responded, "Yes, that's a hard one. I'd also like to ask the experts myself."


There's no doubt been several tantrums between the three children in the Cambridge household, but the public fit Princess Charlotte had in 2017 certainly comes to mind. The family was on a royal tour of Poland and Germany and returning home when Princess Charlotte, just 2 years old at the time and probably tired from the trip, had a tantrum at the airport. Princess Catherine handled it with grace, surely aware that the cameras were on them at that moment. She crouched down to her daughter's level to speak to her, then scooped her up into a comforting hug.

We've been witness to the sweet relationship between Catherine and Charlotte, as well as her other children, and it's clear she's a very caring mother, but there's really nothing more relatable than the toddler tantrum stage, especially when it's a public fit. The terrible twos can be stressful, and Princess Catherine handled it the way any parent would — as best as she could.


Princess Catherine admitted to feeling overwhelmed by motherhood

Anyone who's had children can attest that, no matter how much help you might have, it can be difficult to know whether you're making the right decisions and first-time parenthood can prove overwhelming. Despite the support Princess Catherine receives at home with the kids, she has still said parenting can be a struggle.


In 2017, before Prince Louis was born, Catherine gave a speech at an event focused on mental health. She said, "At times it has also been a huge challenge. Even for me, who has support at home that most mothers do not" (via Today's Parent). While Princess Catherine said that of course motherhood is a "rewarding and wonderful experience," she pointed out that nothing can prepare you for it.

Parents everywhere can probably relate to this honest take Catherine had on parenting, as she delved into the ups and downs. She explained, "It is full of complex emotions of joy, exhaustion, love, and worry, all mixed together. ... This can at times lead to lack of confidence and feelings of ignorance." It's hard to picture Princess Catherine, with all of her grace, ever really struggling with her little princes and princess, but her genuine account of what becoming a mother was like for her resonated with people everywhere.


Princess Catherine is concerned about her kids' screen time

It's something modern-day parents are often split on; with the kids restless on road trips or needing peace and quiet at home, occupying your children with a screen can be tempting. In 2017, an inside source told Us Weekly that Prince William and Princess Catherine have banned their children from playing with iPads, saying, "As two people who grew up without gadgets for entertainment themselves, William and Kate are firm believers in toys, outdoor play, and encouraging an active imagination."


This has changed as time has gone on though, and Prince William has since said that he and Catherine struggle to regulate their children's screen time. During a visit to the refurbished BAFTA building in 2021, Prince William said, "At the moment, it's trying to regulate the gaming ... monitoring screen time. Got to be careful of that" (via Harper's Bazaar). He says it's particularly difficult with Prince George, who is "fascinated" by video games.

According to a source for The Daily Mail, Catherine is "'usually very strict on screen time and keeps it to a minimum." The couple has outdoor toys, a pond, climbing frames, and a garden to occupy the kids, as Catherine would much rather they spend time outside than on their devices. It's an incredibly relatable sentiment most parents would understand — especially for those who grew up having adventures outside, rather than in front of the television.


Princess Catherine struggled with parenting during lockdown

Parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic was hard, and like many parents, Princess Catherine struggled with lockdown. As a follow-up to her research into early years parenting, she took part in a video chat discussion with a few other parents and a teacher about kids learning at home during the pandemic (via YouTube). She described becoming a hairdresser to the family, as she said, "much to my children's horror." She also discussed having to become a teacher as parents everywhere had to handle home-schooling their kids and said, "I personally feel pulled in so many different directions."


Everything changed when COVID-19 hit, and Catherine's public interaction made us realize that despite their royal status, she and Prince William went through many of the same things other parents did as well. When asked who had been her biggest support through it all, Catherine answered William. She ended the call on a bright note, saying, "Being able to share your own experience with others who are going through the same thing ... makes you feel less isolated" (via Elle).

Princess Catherine has faced criticism over her parenting

Parents all over the world face criticism from those who think they have better parenting skills, and social media is a breeding ground for this type of behavior. Although Princess Catherine is far from the first parent or even royal who has been parent-shamed by the public, she has unfortunately received a heap of criticism. Given that her family is regularly the center of attention at many events, it would be near-impossible for her to take her kids anywhere without somebody looking down on her parenting skills.


One of the more recent incidents of Princess Catherine being parent-shamed was at the Platinum Jubilee in the summer of 2022. The rambunctious 4-year-old, Prince Louis, was seen sticking his tongue out, making silly gestures, and covering his mother's mouth in a supposed act of defiance. Catherine can be seen telling off the little prince, but that didn't stop the hoard of criticism of her parenting from flooding the internet that day. Many have come to Catherine's defense, while others have gone as far as to call Prince Louis a "brat," saying she needs to be stricter. When children act out, it's common to blame the parent, as many parents can probably attest, but as usual, Princess Catherine has handled it with grace.


