The Best Celebrity Fitness Transformations Hollywood Has Ever Seen

It's pretty safe to say that we all want to be the healthiest and fittest versions of ourselves. Celebrities are no different. While we watch actors and actresses gain and lose weight for a variety of movie roles, there are a handful of celebrities who have amped up their fitness game because they want to be healthier and feel better in their bodies. 


As we see these stunning transformations, we can't help but wonder what they're doing to achieve such amazing results — and if we start doing what they're doing, will we see the same success? With a little hunting, we were able to dive into what these celebrities are doing to be in the best shape of their lives, and the good news is that it doesn't take spending all day, every day in the gym. With a little self discipline and hard work, if they can do it, the rest of us can too!

Miranda Lambert is a fan of circuit workouts

Miranda Lambert is one celebrity whose transformation was highly publicized. There was even a point where it was rumored that Lambert had surgery in an effort to lose weight, but she debunked that straight away. "I lost my weight the healthy and good old fashioned way. Watching what I eat and working out with my trainer Bill Crutchfield," she said in a letter to fans posted on her website. 


So how does she workout to get her gorgeous figure? Through circuit-style workouts. She explained to Women's Health that, while she is not a fan of running, she will complete workouts where she alternates running for a song, then walking for a song, sometimes adding in jumping jacks or stair running too. We all struggle with motivation from time to time so when Lambert's is wavering, she turns to Britney Spears. She explained: "If I put on Britney, I can picture Britney's body, and I'm like, 'Oh! Faster!'"

Christina Aguilera loves her yoga practice

"I'm not into deprivation to get a great body or the body that you want," Christina Aguilera said in an interview with Women's Health. So what does this iconic pop star do to get in such incredible shape? She loves yoga. Aguilera found yoga when she became pregnant with her second child and made it her mission to take better care of herself, both mentally and physically. She started working with Krista Cahill, a yoga teacher in Venice, California doing one to two-hour vinyasa yoga sessions several times a week.


As it has turned out, she hasn't been shy to share that yoga isn't just keeping her body in great shape, but it's influencing her music career as well. "Taking a love for yoga and breathing... not looking at it as an exercise, but just feeling more one with the Earth and everyone being connected," she said in an interview with U.S. News. "It'll definitely have a reflection on the new record."

Khloe Kardashian made it a lifestyle

"If you were to ask me five years ago if I ever saw myself being completely in love with fitness and health. That I would be an inspiration to many others, that I would be the push that others needed to find their way. I would've laughed in your face. Me? The chubby one? No way!" Khloe Kardashian posted on her Instagram. It's hard to believe anyone ever actually thought of Khloe Kardashian as "chubby", but she hasn't been shy to share her struggles and even how her family approached her to lose weight because she was hurting their brand. 


In an interview with Health, Kardashian explained how it was while going through her divorce with Lamar Odom that she finally found fitness as an outlet. "I joined Equinox, and I would go there and put my headphones on and get on the elliptical or the stairs, and no one would bother me or ask me questions," she said. "I escaped there, and as a by-product, I started losing weight. Then I thought, 'OK, I'm gonna call a trainer, and Gunnar Peterson has been a family friend of ours.' He changed my body." Now that Khloe's done the work, how does she keep up her gorgeous physique? "I don't believe in a quick fix. I like making lifestyle changes," she said.

Hilary Duff is proud of her strong legs

While many of us likely still associate Hilary Duff with Lizzie Mcguire, this Younger star is also a mom who finds time to workout to maintain her gorgeous figure despite a busy schedule. In an interview with Shape, Duff shared how she keeps variety in her workouts incorporating strength training movements like deadlifts, squats, and medicine ball slams, with cardio machines like the treadmill, stair master, and rower. 


With a crazy schedule, it can be hard to find time to get to the gym, so sometimes she'll just workout in at home. "I did a mini bodyweight workout in my room and totally worked up a sweat!" she said. "I just did moves on my own — I did 200 jumping jacks, push-ups, triceps dips, and squats." At the end of the day, she understands this is about her health and that she is never going to be the super skinny girl. "I'm just strong. I'm cool with how I look," she said. "I have really strong legs. I'm a mom so I can toss my kid around and go hard with him all day long, and I love that."

Kelly Osbourne is all about the 10 minute workout

As the daughter of rock music legend, Ozzy Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne grew up in the spotlight. This gave us all the opportunity to see many of her high and low moments — such as her journey toward living a healthier and more active lifestyle. While many celebrities turn to some of the best personal trainers in the industry, that didn't work for Osbourne. 


What does work for her is a ten minute workout done every single day: "That gets everything in your body moving. It's also a great warm-up to do before my actual workout — I do half an hour of cardio and then 20 minutes of yoga," she said in an interview with The Cut. "I found it looking for a ten-minute warm-up, but when I researched more, I found it was also a great way to maintain, if you only have a few minutes." If all it takes is ten minutes, then I think we can all find time for that.

Jennifer Hudson is all about the trilogy

While Jennifer Hudson's transformation following the Weight Watchers diet was public, the workouts she's been doing behind the scenes to stay fit may not be as well known. But there's no doubt she's doing something right when it comes to staying active. In fact, she's doing it all from the comfort of her own home, while maintaining a busy schedule. 


In an interview on The Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Oz asked Hudson why she makes time for this, to which she replied, "I just created trilogy, where you do three exercises." She went on to explain that all you need is your body and to know how to count to get in a good workout. Then you decide on a goal, and work toward that. For Hudson's trilogy she performs 25 reps each of air squats, sit-ups, and push-ups. For a little added workout, she loves to jump rope and play basketball. 

She told Good Housekeeping, "I like to exercise now in a way that I never have in my life. I make time for it as much as I can with this crazy schedule I have, so you can too!"

Carrie Underwood works out with her husband

While we often talk about how someone went from little-to-no activity to discovering their new favorite workout and carving out time for it each day, the opposite is the case with Carrie Underwood. "I used to work out six days a week. But now that's a little rare, sometimes it's one or two times a week and that just kind of has to be ok," she said in an interview with E! Online. With that said, Underwood is fitting her workouts into her busy schedule by including her son and husband in the mix, as she's shared on her Instagram


In an interview with PopSugar, she shared how she will fit in a workout on her busiest days. "If I have 30 minutes, either I'm going to go for a run or do a few rounds of Tabata. That's my go-to if it's a quick something or other," she said. "The basics like squats, curls, push-ups, shoulder presses. It doesn't have to be anything fancy — if you have a set of weights, you can do a whole lot with Tabata." She's also created her own active wear brand, Calia, available at Dicks Sporting Goods locations.

Jessica Simpson walks every single day

These days, it seems as if most of us have a pedometer, FitBit, Apple watch, or some other device that allows us to track our daily activity and set step goals. This is no different for celebrities, including Jessica Simpson, who told ABC News that she credits a combination of strength training and a daily step goal of 12,000 to getting and staying in shape. "I walk three miles a day. Eric and I love taking the kids out for long walks in the neighborhood," she told PopSugar


She added that she also loves walking on her treadmill: "I walk and walk while I catch up on my shows." She tries to include her strength workouts four days a week, with a combination of squats, uphill lunges, BOSU movements, and resistance band exercises. "I'm taking it week by week so I don't get frustrated with myself," she told ABC News. We think it may be about time to up our daily step goal. Thanks for the inspiration, Jess!

Kirstie Alley avoids the gym

While some of us may love the feeling of stepping into a gym, it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Even some of the biggest celebrities who can afford the best trainers may not thrive in that environment; that includes Kirstie Alley. "I do stay active, but I hate the gym. It bores the bejeezus out of me. I'm not a lunging, squatting human," she said in an interview with People


Since Alley is often traveling, she varies her workouts to match where she is. "It depends on the weather and where I am but I have different workouts I'll do. If I'm in Florida or Kansas where it's flat, I'll get on my bike and ride to my friends' houses," she also told People in another article. "If I'm in a place that's cold, I'll go to dance classes." She also mentioned that she enjoys yoga and will try to do it a few times a week.

Snooki is not slacking off

There is no doubt that Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi is putting in the work at the gym to achieve her incredible physique, but she's not just doing it for herself, she's also doing it for her kids. "I just really want to be a fit mom," she told People. "I want to be able to keep up with them, run after them." In order to do this she works out with trainer, Anthony Michael, at least four times a week for 45 to 60-minute sessions. 


Even when she can't make it to the gym, she's staying active in her home gym or with her sister-in-law by her side. "We basically do weights every single day and we target different areas. Whether it's biceps, shoulders, abs, legs, each day is a different thing and it's fun to do it together as much as we can," she said. For those of us who don't have time to get to the gym every single day, Polizzi's trainer put together this at-home workout, which they shared on The Dr. Oz Show that will raise your heart rate and help burn fat.

