Jamie Dornan's Trip To Portugal Was Disrupted By A Freak Accident

When fans think of Jamie Dornan, they certainly don't think of health issues. However, there was one time when he was left hospitalized by a freak accident during a trip to Portugal.

The news certainly comes as a surprise for many of Dornan's fans as he is someone who is into his health. The actor worked very hard to get buffed for his role as Christian Grey in the "50 Shades of Grey" film series. Dornan's personal trainer Ramona Braganza even opened up to the New York Post about how the actor got ready for all of those love scenes. After all, he did have to put in a lot of hours in front of the cameras. "If you want to feel comfortable naked, it's really more important for you to feel comfortable deep down inside," she said at the time.


Well, there's no doubt that Dornan is an actor who feels comfortable both naked and deep down inside as both Christian Grey and himself. The man does take care of himself. But what happened to him in Portugal not only left him with heart attack symptoms but an experience that he'll never forget about in his life.

Jamie Dornan had a scary brush with toxic caterpillars

Jamie Dornan has experienced 'freakish' things in his life, including one scary stalker-like situation with a fan. But nothing has been as freaky as his brush with creepy caterpillars during a trip to Portugal. The actor's good friend Gordon Smart recalled the moment they both had to rush to the hospital after they were experiencing odd symptoms during a game of golf. It turns out that they came in contact with toxic processionary caterpillars, which are life-threatening little creatures. 


While on the BBC's "The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected" podcast, Smart figured that he and Dornan weren't feeling good because of their partying from the night before but that wasn't the case. Gordon said that at first he felt a tingle in his arm and assumed that it might have been the beginning of what felt like a heart attack. "Now, I'm a fairly healthy guy but once you start thinking, you're having a heart attack, you're pretty sure that you're convincing yourself that you are having one," Smart recalled. "Jamie said, 'Dear me. Gordon, about 20 minutes after you left, my left arm went numb, my left leg went numb, my right leg went numb, and I found myself in the back of an ambulance."

But that wasn't the only thing that happened during their ride to the hospital.


Jamie Dornan had an unexpected request on the way to the hospital

Because Jamie Dornan is one of the most recognizable Hollywood actors in the world, he was asked for a selfie by the paramedics, according to his friend Gordon Smart, which just adds to the list of possibly freakish things that he has had to deal with in his life so far. Smart added that the toxic caterpillars are common on golf courses in Portugal, and they are lucky to have survived the ordeal. "It turns out we'd brushed up against hairy processionary caterpillars and have been very lucky to come out of that one alive," he said. "So there's my story; the good news is it wasn't a caffeine overdose, it wasn't a hangover — it was a poisonous, toxic caterpillar."


Dornan himself has not made any comments about the matter but the toxic caterpillars have not stopped him from living his best life in Portugal. The actor, who doesn't often post on social media, did share a short Instagram clip of himself bellyflopping into the ocean and called it a "lost art" in the caption. As long as there are no jellyfish in the water, Dornan should be good.

