What The Most Memorable Big Brother Couples Are Doing Now

Big Brother is one of the biggest shows in the reality television world. It's hard to believe it's already been 19 years of us all sitting on our couch watching 16 strangers battle it out in a game of social strategy and nonsensical breakdowns. What doesn't come as a surprise is just how many romantic couples have resulted from this series. If you spend enough time with someone isolated in a house, you're bound to make some lasting bonds. However, not all showmances are created equal. Very few relationships made inside the house survive very long in the real world. Not everyone gets to be a "Brenchel."


Still, there have been many Big Brother contestants who, for better or for worse, have gone down in the series' history. This list is for all the ones who we just simply can't seem to get out of our minds. Here's what the most memorable Big Brother couples are doing now.

Swaggy and Bayleigh

Chris "Swaggy C" Williams and Bayleigh Dayton hit it off quick during Big Brother 20. The two quickly appealed to fans and soon "Swayleigh" was a favorite. Unfortunately, Swaggy was booted in the second live eviction and would have to wait another few weeks to be reunited with Dayton. Swaggy took that time to meet Dayton's parents and spent much of the 2018 summer with her. This all culminated with a heartfelt proposal at the season finale.


The two were officially married in February 2019, and, these days, they seem to be living the fairy tale romance. "Just when I look at her, she's my motivation," Swaggy shared with Entertainment Tonight. Dayton suffered a tragic miscarriage in the jury house, but she says that Swaggy's support let her know that "he's the one!" Despite already being legally married, the two promise a full-blown wedding. Swaggy told ET he was more than willing to televise the ceremony, saying, "That's all I care about. Just send cameras! Everybody come to the wedding, it's an open invite."

Cody and Jessica

It was day one Big Brother 19 and sparks were flying between Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson. The two might have been fan favorites, but, in the house, they were basically pariahs. Nickson rocked the boat early on and eventually tanked both his and Graf's games. Nevertheless, after some nasty treatment in the Big Brother house, their future was looking bright. The two were cast on and subsequently won the 30th season of The Amazing Race. After two amazing TV journeys together, Nickson proposed to Graf.


They wed in the fall of 2018 with a baby already on the way. The pace of their relationship was quick, but the two have the love to back it up. "We are so lucky to have found each other in the most unconventional of ways but we did. We found our forever in each other and can't wait to begin this new chapter of our lives," they told People. Their daughter, Maverick Nickson, was born on St. Patrick's Day 2019 after an emergency C-section. After all that Nickson and Graf had to endure inside the Big Brother house, it's reassuring that they were able to get their happy ending.

Fessy and Haleigh

Faysal "Fessy" Shafaat and Haleigh Broucher might have made it further than fellow Big Brother 20 showmance Swayleigh, but it was a much rockier road for them. The two certainly had affection for each other, but Shafaat's attitude constantly made them butt heads. Not to mention, Shafaat and Broucher made so many questionable moves that they proclaimed themselves the "worst Big Brother players in history." Sometimes it seemed like they would call it quits post-show — like when Broucher asked, "Is this how you act in real life?"


Evidently, some time in the jury house did the pair some good. "Once you take away the stress and paranoia ... it just kinda went smoothly, and everything just meshed," Broucher shared in a post-finale interview. In November 2018, the lovebirds were still in a long-distance relationship. At the time, Shafaat shared that he would be looking to move to Texas should they still be together once his lease was up in a few months' time. While there hasn't been any evidence of a move as of early June 2019, they still seem very happy on Broucher's instagram.

Paulie and Zakiyah

In case you were getting bored of all the happy couples, we give you "Zaulie." Paulie Calafiore and Zakiyah Everette might be one of the best-looking showmances, and they certainly made up one of the spiciest. However, Calafiore was not a hit with the other ladies in the house. He would badmouth a lot of the female houseguests, including Everette herself, behind their backs. Despite all of this, Everette stuck with him, and the two dated for a time after the season ended.


Zaulie officially broke up just before the 2017 Super Bowl. Everette told the Charlotte Observer, "It was like, 'OK, this is a good time to do it, because nobody will be paying attention to it ... Let's just get this video out and then we'll delete it right after.'" Everette described their relationship at the time as good friends and "really tight." Calafiore would go on to star in Ex on the Beach and would get into even more drama there.

McCrae and Amanda

The showmance between McCrae Olson and Amanda Zuckerman on Big Brother 15 was pretty much doomed from the start. The real estate broker and pizza delivery boy were opposites, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Olson would talk about his ex-girlfriend quite a bit on the live feeds, and Zuckerman began making waves in the house as an aggressive bully. Not even Olson was safe from her temperament. Eventually, both would leave the house, with Olson getting fourth place and Zuckerman seventh.


While they dated for some months after the show, they broke up by early February 2014. A major factor was Olson's strong feelings for Jessica. In an open letter, he proclaimed his regret for going on the show in the first place. There was speculation that Olson did get back together with his ex, but no hard evidence exists. Zuckerman moved on and married in the fall of 2017. She gave birth to her daughter, Madison Rose Zachman, in December 2018.

Brendon and Rachel

We would be remiss to not include the legendary "Brenchel" on this list. Rachel Reilly had an unremarkable game in Big Brother 12, with only one ally in Brendon Villegas. And she found herself getting evicted in Week 5. That would have been it for her if it weren't for her and Villegas, who later got engaged, both getting invited back in the duos season of Big Brother 13. Evidently they got on very well outside of the house. Reilly won the season due to her amazing gameplay and her relationship with Villegas. The couple has made many more appearances throughout the franchise and has become an iconic pair.


Villegas and Reilly said "I do" in September 2012. Their reach only expanded further as the two would compete twice on The Amazing Race, and Reilly competing a third time in 2019. In 2016, they welcomed their first child, Adora Borealis Villegas, into the world. The Villegas family will no doubt continue to dominate not just the Big Brother franchise, but the reality TV world in the coming years.

Jeff and Jordan

Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd together make another unforgettable couple for the franchise. Schroeder and Lloyd were a power couple of Big Brother 11. Schroeder got fifth place and won America's Favorite Houseguest, while Lloyd won the whole shebang. After their season, they became inseparable. "Right after the show, we'd only go about four days before seeing each other," Lloyd told Entertainment Weekly. After a stint on The Amazing Race, they returned on the duo season Big Brother 13 with Schroeder winning America's Favorite Houseguest a second time.


Five years after meeting in the Big Brother house, Schroeder came full circle by proposing to Lloyd on a visit to the house in 2014. Their first child, Lawson, was born in October 2016, and their second, Layton, was born in September 2018. As of 2019, Lloyd and Schroeder have been together for a decade. It just goes to show how one little reality show can change your whole life.

Nicole and Victor

Unlike many of the other couples on this list, Victor Arroyo III and Nicole Franzel were not a showmance during their run on Big Brother 18. It wasn't until well after Franzel won the season that the two connected. "Everything came together for the premiere of Big Brother 19, where we were in New York and we just clicked," Arroyo explained to Entertainment Tonight. "From then on, it was, I guess it was a love story, and now she's my girlfriend."


According to them, they really fell in love while filming the 31st season of The Amazing Race. "We knew going into it that it could be make it or break it ... it was scary making that decision," Franzel confessed to Entertainment Tonight. Evidently, the journey was a success. Arroyo took a note from a few other couples and proposed to Franzel in the Big Brother house on the live feeds in September 2018. According to ET in May 2019, the two are looking at a June 2020 wedding.

GinaMarie and Nick

Big Brother 15 is one of the most controversial seasons of the franchise. The houseguests were notorious for spouting racist, homophobic, and sexist comments on the live feeds. GinaMarie Zimmerman was one such person, and she actually ended up being fired from her job for her horrible statements. However, there was another instance of Zimmerman's questionable behavior. Some will argue that Zimmerman's flirtations with Week 2 evictee Nick Uhas does not count as a coupling, but perhaps someone should have told Zimmerman that.


Zimmerman certainly acted like they were incredibly close, proclaiming that she "[didn't] want to be here without him." After Uhas' elimination, Zimmerman kept a "shrine" to him in her room and had an emotional meltdown if anyone dared touch Uhas' cereal box. During the season, she even admitted to wanting to marry Uhas. In an interview with Wetpaint, Uhas admitted that the relationship was "a fauxmance that became a showmance and then I got evicted." The two did go on at least one date after the show, but it would appear that a trip down the altar was not in the cards for them.

Will and Janelle

Dr. William Kirby and Janelle Pierzina were both second-time players when they met on Big Brother: All Stars. Perhaps that's why their showmance was mostly strategy. Evidently, Kirby was in a relationship at the time. "Who I am in my real life is not what I do on TV. ... I just try to be a persona and try to be a character on the show," Kirby explained to TV Guide. Thus, the shocking twist of Pierzina eliminating Kirby was probably not as emotionally charged in reality.


Kirby married longtime fiancée and fellow reality star Erin Brodie in 2017. He continues to practice dermatology in Los Angeles. Pierzina later competed in Big Brother 14 and, joined The Amazing Race's 31st season with fellow Big Brother alum Britney Haynes. Unsurprisingly, Kirby and Pierzina's strategic showmance did not continue romantically once the curtain closed on their Big Brother season. This couple just goes to show that you can use flirtation as a weapon in the game.

Drew and Diane

Like Janelle Pierzina's elimination of Will Kirby, Drew Daniel voted off his showmance partner Diane Henry in the fifth season. The major difference being, however, that their showmance was for real. At the finale though, Henry didn't seem to hold much of a grudge. She explained to The Early Show that she "was the person who told him at the beginning of the day, 'Keep the personal and us separate,' so [she] would be hypocrite if [she] didn't [forgive him]." 


Daniel had a girlfriend going into the season, but Henry was willing to "give him a chance to prove his sincerity" to her after the season ended. In that same interview with The Early Show, Daniel promised to take her on a nice trip with his winnings. But it'd appear that the two eventually drifted apart. Henry did an interview with Joker's Updates in which she reassured fans that she still keeps in contact with Daniel. 

While Henry reportedly married in 2012, Daniel was arrested that same year for domestic violence.

Austin and Liz

Big Brother 17 had a few notable showmances during its run, but one in particular caught our eye — the one between Austin Matelson and Liz Nolan. Production brought back a twist from Season 5 with the "Twin Twist." That's right, for the first five rotations, Nolan and her twin sister, Julia, played as one person. Naturally this caused some awkwardness between Matelson and Nolan's budding relationship. On top of that, Matelson had a girlfriend outside of the game, though he swore to The Hollywood Reporter that his feelings for Nolan were real.


Despite the drama, the obvious affection showed through, and the two tried to make it work outside of the house. But Nolan and Matelson split up in February 2016. Matelson continues to wrestle under the name Luchasaurus, complete with an amazing face mask. Nolan, on the other hand, has been pursuing a modeling career with her sister. Even though the two didn't end up together, Matelson cut off his gross ponytail-beard for Nolan, so some good did come out of their relationship.

Dominic and Daniele

Daniele Donato and Dominic Briones certainly make up one of the more quiet couples on this list. There hasn't really been much drama to speak of between the two of them, but that's what makes it so enjoyable to see them flourish. A simple three-week "flirtmance" blossomed into so much more. They started dating outside of the house after the Season 13 finale and eventually married in 2013.


"Truth be told, I really didn't like him at first," Donato told People, adding, "After the finale, we became inseparable. We got to know each other really well, and we fell in love!" Fellow Big Brother alums Rachel Reilly and Brendan Villegas even attended the wedding. Naturally, Donato and Briones welcomed their first child, Tennessee Autumn, in August 2018. Considering all the craziness and drama contained in this list, it's good to see that there's still room for a nice, simple love story.

Clay and Shelli

Clay Honeycutt and Shelli Poole ran the house for a good five weeks during Big Brother 17. With all that power, no amount of make-out sessions could stop the house from targeting them. Honeycutt and Poole were put on the block against each other in Week 6. In a true act of romantic martyrdom, Honeycutt fell on the sword and asked the house to vote for him over Poole. "This has been her dream ... I didn't want to be the one to take that from her," Honeycutt told host Julie Chen in his eviction interview.


The two continued dating after the show, with Poole even meeting Honeycutt's family. However, they split up a few weeks after the finale. The original Instagram post has been deleted, but E! News reported that Poole captioned a post, "There was no drama or hard feelings, we simply moved on as dear friends. We are both happy and thank y'all for your incredible sweetness and love!" Poole continues to live in Atlanta, Ga. and sells accessories on her Etsy shop. As for Honeycutt, it looks like he's moved on.

