How Many Kids Do Ricky Martin And His Husband Have Now?

It's no secret that singer Ricky Martin loves big families, and with the addition of baby number four to their brood, the Martin-Yosef gang hits the half-dozen mark. Martin and his husband Jwan Yosef proudly announced the birth of Renn via Instagram on October 29. Renn joins his three siblings: fraternal twins Matteo and Valentino who are 11; and Lucia, 10 months old, who Martin calls "the light of his eyes" (via People).


Fans learned about Renn's impending arrival during the Human Rights Campaign Dinner on September 29, when Martin was in Washington DC to accept an award for his work in LGBTQ rights. During his speech Martin dedicated the award to his family, saying, "You inspire me every day, you motivate me to keep doing what I'm doing and you guys are amazing kids. You guys are amazing. I love you." The big news came at the end, as a "by the way we're pregnant" announcement (via People). Talk about burying the lede.

Having the twins was an emotional journey for Ricky Martin

Matteo and Valentino were born via gestational surrogacy in 2008. Their births were both a highlight and an emotional time for the "Living La Vida Loca" singer, who had decided to put his career on hold to raise the twins as a single father. Ricky always knew he wanted to be a dad, thanks to his work with orphanages through the Ricky Martin Foundation, and while his parents divorced when he was young, Martin says he had a beautiful childhood nonetheless. He was prepared to give his boys the same happy memories. "I know people say this is a different type of family... Yes, my babies don't have a mom [present]. But I have a lot of incredible women in my family that will always be there for them," he tells People


Will Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef have more than four kids?

The twins were joined by a sister, Lucia, whose birth was announced just before New Year's Eve, 2018 (via Oprah). But even though the couple has their hands full with two children under a year old, don't expect Renn to be the last of the Martin-Yosef brood. People also reports that during last year's Golden Globes, Ricky Martin said he was totally down to having four more pairs of twins (four pairs! Did you clear this with Jwan?), and during a separate interview with Fernanda on the Enrique Santos Show, Martin said, "If you ask me if I want to be the father of a little girl, [I'll say] not one, four!... I'm just getting started with this fatherhood thing and I'm going for more. I come from a big family and I like noise and chaos in my house." That's Living La Vida Loca right there.


