Why Trevor Noah Thinks Married Couples Should Never Live Together

Earlier this week, comedian Trevor Noah admitted that he doesn't believe married couples should live together. During an interview on SiriusXM's The Howard Stern Show, The Daily Show host revealed, "I'm a big advocate for not living together ever, even if you're married." He continued, "I think one of the biggest reasons people get divorced and relationships break up is because of this cohabiting b******* that we've come to believe is the way relationships are supposed to be."


It's hard to know whether Noah's view about married couples living arrangements are based on his previous experiences, or if it's something he has always believed. According to Page Six, the South African is currently single after ending his four-year relationship with ex-girlfriend, model Jordan Taylor, in January 2019. After the couple parted ways, Noah is reported to have splurged on a $20 million dollar bachelor pad in Bel-Air.

Trevor Noah is not opposed to marriage

When Howard Stern quizzed Trevor Noah on his thoughts about marriage and whether it's something he could ever see himself doing, Noah responded, "I'm not opposed to [marriage]," adding, "I can only know where I am now in life, and that's what I've learned to enjoy."


As the interview continued, Noah discussed many other aspects of dating and relationships. He compared people in new relationships to a "used car salesman, b*********** about who they are," suggesting that this was the reason so many couples break up. 

He also stressed the importance of always being open and honest. "When we meet people, we should tell them who we are, be honest," said Noah. "You know why? You should have the person love you — or hate you — for who you are, not for who you portray yourself to be."

It will be interesting to see who Trevor Noah ends up with next and if his beliefs are swayed by someone he loves.

