This Is How You Should Dry Brush Your Skin

Dry brushing is one of those beauty rituals that almost sounds too good to be true. Boasting desirable benefits such as soft skin and reduced cellulite, it's something we all should be doing but don't (although the jury is still out as to whether dry brushing actually works or not). "Just a couple of minutes a day will promote your lymph, helping your body metabolize toxins more efficiently, discourage fluid retention and cellulite (which are related to each other), and soften and tone your skin," Kate Shapland, founder of leg-focused health brand Legology, told ELLE. "The benefits are immediate and lasting," she added. Considering all you need is a brush, dry brushing definitely something worth trying. Here's how you should dry brush your skin.


ELLE suggests dry brushing before your morning or evening shower, when your skin is completely dry, and ideally free of moisturizer or oil. According to Christina Salcedas, Aromatherapy Associates Global Director of Education, the key to dry brushing is starting at your feet and slowly working your way up your body, ensuring that you always brush towards your heart. When you get to your torso, Katie Neal, body and skincare expert at skincare brand Mio, recommends brushing clockwise, and Shapland advises brushing in "quick flicks" to achieve best results.

Dry brushing should always be done gently

When it comes to the amount of pressure you should be applying, it's important to brusher harder in certain areas of the body to promote circulation. However, it's just as important not to press too hard as you may aggravate or harm your skin. "Any kind of brushing or exfoliation should be gentle and should never break the skin," Margo Marroneadds, Co-Founder of The Organic Pharmacy, warned Goop. "I've tried skin brushes that are so hard, they cannot be used due to the damage they do. I chose medium-soft cactus bristles for our skin brush for gentleness; the skin should never be scratched or damaged." 


If you have sensitive skin, you're likely to be more prone to irritation. Be careful when selecting your brush, and if irritation continues, discontinue dry brushing.

