What Priyanka Chopra Eats In A Day

Priyanka Chopra is one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she's had quite the stunning transformation over the years. The Quantico actress and former Miss World winner made history in 2015 when she became the first Bollywood actress to be cast in a leading role on American prime time television, as noted by CNN. That's quite the accomplishment.


Ever since then, Chopra has been a woman to watch. In addition to her thriving career, she also got married to Disney darling Nick Jonas in a seriously lavish ceremony in 2018. Talk about #RelationshipGoals! The two look ridiculously happy all the time on Chopra's Instagram page, too.

Additionally, you might have noticed that Chopra is in killer shape, and she has a natural glow about her. While she humbly attributes this to her good Indian genes, we suspect the actress also works hard in the self-care department. Curious as to what the star eats in order to maintain such a rockin' bod? Read on to learn what Priyanka Chopra typically eats in a day.

Priyanka Chopra never starves herself

It's no secret that there's tons of pressure on women to be thin in Western culture, especially in industries like modeling and entertainment, as noted by People magazine. But as far as actress Priyanka Chopra is concerned, she doesn't feel tempted to skimp on her portions and only eat lettuce all day — she'd rather take a healthier approach. "You don't have to starve yourself," she proclaimed in an interview with Women's Health. "I love having my pizzas and burgers and Buffalo wings, on the side, for sure. But I like staying fit as well." Clearly the actress strives for balance in her diet, which is something we could all use a little more of.


Chopra also has a take-charge attitude about her body, something that helps her cultivate inner strength and maintain a positive self-image. "People always say you should listen to your body," she continued. "But I don't listen to my body. My body listens to me." We are so here for this!

Hydration is super important to Priyanka Chopra

One of the most important parts of Priyanka Chopra's diet isn't what she eats, per se, but rather what she drinks, which is a lot. "Juices and water are very high on my intake list," she explained in an interview with the Times of India. "In fact, water is a must for everyone, at least ten glasses a day. I often overshoot that, but it does wonders to your skin." We bet she's familiar with all the signs you're not drinking enough water — and knows how to take care of herself. In fact, she once drank four liters of water with lemon per day for three days, according to Byrdie — that explains why she's glowing all the time. Maybe she's onto something with that formula!


There's another beverage that Chopra confesses she loves, although it's arguably less healthy than her water habit. "Coffee doesn't leave my side for at least four hours after I've woken up," she confessed in an interview with Vanity Fair. "It's terrible, I know, I know, but my brain needs to wake up." No judgments for that, Priyanka — it can be rough to roll out of bed sometimes.

These are the foods you'll generally find on Priyanka Chopra's daily menu

Priyanka Chopra is the first to admit that she's been gifted with a naturally fast metabolism, which is what she credits for her perfect figure. "I do not have a tendency to put on weight and can get away eating as much as I want to, which is a blessing in this industry," she revealed in an interview with the Times of India. "But even otherwise, I'm not weight-conscious and eat well like a Punjabi kudi." Um, can we say lucky?


Though to be fair, when it comes to Chopra's staples, she has an arsenal of foods that comprise her menu on a day-to-day basis that are all very healthy. "My daily diet consists of regular food like chapati, vegetables, soups, salads, rice, dal and lots of fruits," she continued. So while Chopra may not restrict her intake or subsist on salads and smoothies, her baseline diet is clearly designed to be super nutritious and delicious.

Priyanka Chopra doesn't really follow a specific diet

Despite the fact that Priyanka Chopra has a host of healthy go-to foods that she relies on, she's not one to write down what she's eating or plan out her menu a week in advance. Rather, she has a more organic approach to her eating, which allows her a good deal of freedom. "I don't really have a diet. I wing it by the seat of my pants," she confessed in an interview with Elle. She noted, "So, when someone asks me about my diet I feel terrible saying that I don't really have one." There's nothing wrong with that!


Instead, Chopra relies upon her relationship with her body in order to determine how and what she'll eat in a day. "It's such a girl thing to do, like if I feel, 'Ughh, I put on a few pounds' and I feel gross about [myself] I suddenly start eating salad, protein, and soup," she continued. "Otherwise, if I am feeling like I am in great shape I am okay with cheeseburgers and pizza."

Priyanka Chopra starts her morning on a healthy note

Based on the amount of coffee that Priyanka Chopra needs to fully wake up in the morning, it's pretty clear that she's not much of a morning person. So it's only after her regular coffee and pre-workout shake that she thinks about grabbing breakfast, according to an interview with the Times of India. And, of course, it's usually healthy, enough to power her through her busy days on set.


So what exactly does Chopra like to eat first in the day? When she's stateside, it's either something like avocado toast or an omelet. Sometimes she'll opt for Indian foods like idli (a savory Indian rice cake), dosa (similar to a crepe), or poha (flattened, dried rice, similar to a puffed rice cereal). If she's at home in her native India, she loves to indulge in parathas, which are kind of like pancakes. That sounds absolutely delicious!

Priyanka Chopra chows down on this for lunch

When it comes to what you'll find on Priyanka Chopra's lunch menu, naturally it starts with some tried and true Indian staples. "I am eating Nachni rotis (ragi rotis) these days," she shared an interview with the Times of India. "They are healthy and taste good as well." Nutritious and delicious — what's not to love?


But that's not all Chopra noshes on for her afternoon meal, as she doesn't eat the exact same thing all the time. One thing is consistent, though: There are always tons of flavors in Chopra's meals. "Since I am going all vegetarian these days, I love bhindi, dal, aloo gobi," she continued. "I always need curd, achar (pickles) and salads are very important. I eat roast fish, veggies, fresh salads." Chopra often opts for salads when her schedule is super busy, as her personal chef can whip up a veggie or grain salad for her to take on the run.

For dinner, Chopra chooses something simple like leftovers or soup, keeping it light in the evenings.

This is the type of food Priyanka Chopra avoids

Priyanka Chopra's love of food and eating is quite well-documented, as she's definitely not someone who eats to live — she lives to eat. That approach earned her the nickname "Piggy Chops," which — while endearing — has gotten a little tired for her. "The 'Piggy' in that nickname comes from the fact that I love food," she recalled in an interview with The Indian Express. "It was sort of cute when I was first called that, but now I feel the joke has been stretched too far." We can definitely see where she's coming from.


Culinary enthusiast that she is, Chopra doesn't eat certain foods on a regular basis as they're just not good for her. "What I do try and avoid is oily food," the actress explained in an interview with the Times of India. "I don't have that in excess." Instead, she tries to keep her meals "light" and "non-greasy," which fuels her without weighing her down.

Priyanka Chopra allows herself to indulge

While Priyanka Chopra does tend to avoid greasy foods, she hasn't cut them out of her diet entirely. In fact, there are quite a few indulgent delectables that Chopra digs into on cheat day that are high in sugar and fat — and, of course, flavor. "Desserts! Give me anything: red velvet cake, hot chocolate, fudge, jalebis, cakes," she revealed in an interview with The Indian Express. "I like to balance my meals out, and I don't believe that starving myself, or denying myself food I love, really helps." That is such a refreshing attitude, especially in Hollywood.


It's not just sweets that Chopra gets a hankering for, either. In fact, sometimes the actress just needs a freshly made cheeseburger in order to get through the day. "If I ... want to indulge, or if I'm feeling stressed, especially before a red carpet appearance, I need to have a burger from In-N-Out," she continued. We wonder if she straight-up chows down in her evening gowns — that would be quite the sight!

What did Priyanka Chopra eat on the set of Baywatch?

In 2017, Priyanka Chopra was one of the stars of Baywatch, a film based on the once-popular television series. And believe it or not, there were all kinds of junk food on set, despite the insanely toned celebs who were in the film. "On Baywatch we had every unhealthy thing you could imagine: fried chicken, Doritos," she confessed in an interview with Elle. "Whenever I needed a salad, it was a run that someone had to make because on set, they gave us all kinds of soul food, which none of the cast ate." Who would have thought?


While Chopra didn't have to show a ton of skin throughout the duration of the film, she wasn't exactly wearing sweats and sneakers, either. "I was so lucky I didn't have to be in a swimsuit," she confessed in an interview with Elle. "Of course, my dresses are so tight I can't breathe in them — but you have to be in a certain shape."

Priyanka Chopra loves these treats when on the beach

Do you ever find that being in different climates has an impact on the foods you crave? That seems to be the case for Priyanka Chopra, who gets a very specific hankering when bikini season rolls around. "I love ice cream on the beach," she revealed in an interview with Elle. "I am not even someone who likes ice cream that much, but on a beach, I don't know why, I feel the need for ice cream." Hot sun and cold ice cream — sounds like a perfect combo.


In addition to cold, sweet treats, Chopra has another thing that she loves to indulge in when she's relaxing on the beach. "I discovered this new thing while I was in Miami called spicy margaritas," she continued. "They're made with jalapeño and they're really amazing by the beach." 

Chopra also enjoys a good mojito on vacation days, according to a post on her Instagram page. Bottoms up!

This is the weirdest thing Priyanka Chopra has eaten

This might not be something that Priyanka Chopra typically eats in a day, but it certainly is quite the accomplishment: She once ate an insect that's considered a delicacy in Zimbabwe. "I wanted to go out and have local food and the UNICEF reps from the Zimbabwe team we were working with took me out that night and I ate some amazing food," she recalled in an interview with Elle. "There was all kinds of stew, but one of the delicacies was Mopane worms." Yes, straight-up fried worms on a plate.


While Chopra was indeed startled to see worms on the dinner table, she was determined to keep an open mind. "I just was so shocked when they were on the table and I had to be a good sport," she continued. "I ate one and chewed it for like a minute and a half and [felt] the crunch of the legs in my mouth." Oof.

Priyanka Chopra says she can't cook

In case you somehow managed to miss it, Priyanka Chopra got married to Nick Jonas in a huge and extravagant wedding in December of 2018, as noted by People magazine. But long before the wedding day arrived, Chopra had a confession for her husband-to-be. "I can't cook. I told him that when he proposed," she revealed on an episode of The View. "I was like, 'Listen, you're from a good southern home, you're used to your mom making you amazing food, which she does — you're not marrying that girl.'" But she did mention that she can make eggs on occasion, so that's something.


So what did Jonas have to say when Chopra laid down the culinary law? "You know, the most amazing thing," she continued. "When I told him, 'Babe, I can't cook and I hope you know that,' he said, 'It's alright, babe, neither can I!'" That blew Chopra away, who said that you never hear things like that from men. You got yourself a good one, Priyanka!

You won't believe what Priyanka Chopra eats on a bad day

After becoming a huge Bollywood star, and subsequently a big Hollywood celebrity, Priyanka Chopra has appeared to have things go swimmingly. But everyone has bad days, including Chopra, who freely admits that she's experienced failure more than one time in her life. So when she's going through a rough patch, Chopra turns to a specific treat to help her feel better. "I mean, I hate failure, and nobody likes it," she shared on an episode of The View. "I eat a tub of ice cream in bed every time a movie fails." 


It should be noted that this isn't something Priyanka Chopra does every day by any stretch of the imagination, something she clarified while on the program. "Only when a movie fails, or when something fails," she continued on The View. "But you have to indulge yourself!" There are certainly worse ways to cope, for sure.

Priyanka Chopra loves spicy foods... and went to town in an eating contest

Priyanka Chopra is no stranger to New York City, as she owns a gorgeous property there, according to Variety. So what does Chopra like best about the Big Apple? "My favorite thing about New York was its food," she confessed on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. "The pizza... Today, again, I landed from Miami this morning to come for the show, and the first thing I did was have a hot dog at a hot dog stand." It doesn't get much more NYC than that.


Chopra also loves New York City chicken wings, specifically from Queens, and she likes them spicy. To that end, she challenged Jimmy Fallon to a chicken wing eating contest on his show — and won! They weren't just any wings, either, as they were from the restaurant Atomic Wings, which is known for its nuclear spice.

Chopra revisited the show years later, and once again ate hot wings with both Fallon and Sean Evans from Hot Ones, and it was comedy gold.

