Worst Pieces Of Dating Advice Everyone Gets

If you're single and looking, chances are there are people in your life who are trying to give you all kinds of advice on how to land "the one." Whether you're using Tinder, being set up on dates by a friend, or trying to get that cute colleague in your office to ask you out, it can be really hard to find a decent person out there! You've probably heard all kinds of cliche, out-of-date, and silly advice when it comes to dating. Oftentimes, these tips are dead wrong, so let's weed out the bad relationship advice someone is bound to say to you.


Play hard to get

It's important to be genuine about yourself and your feelings. Don't be afraid to have open conversations about what you're looking for in a relationship. If you're aiming for a long-term relationship, you should be honest. Don't play hard to get, hoping your crush will go with it. We're not saying be easy to get, but you don't want your potential love interest giving up right away. You also don't want to scare someone off by saying you're looking for something long-term—just say you want something that'll last.


You'll know when they're "the one"

As much as we want to believe everything Disney flicks have taught us, romance isn't always a fairy tale. Love is more like the product of two people who have made a commitment to respecting and caring for each other. It doesn't sound quite as romantic, but it's a stable foundation to start building upon. Your first date might not inspire fireworks, but that's okay. Take your time in getting to know someone.


Wait for them to contact you first

If you still believe in antiquated ideas about who should always make the first move, that could be a big part of the reason you're struggling to find the right person. Communication is a two-way process. Don't be afraid to send a text, make a call, or set a date yourself.


Don't accept an invitation for a last-minute date

Another piece of totally outdated advice? Saying no to a date with someone relatively new that takes place the same night they asked. If you really like someone, doing things on a whim shouldn't matter, as long as you're familiar with the setting. It takes a lot of courage to ask someone out, regardless of the time frame. By turning someone down, you could be losing out on a potentially great connection. If someone asks you out, you're free, and you want to go, say yes. That could be the start to a meaningful relationship.


Don't be too clingy or too distant

Everyone operates differently. Don't compromise what you're looking for in a relationship in order to look like the potentially "cool" match. If your new flame does something you're not good with, let them know. You don't have to smother a crush, and you don't have to keep them at arm's length either. What you choose to accept in a relationship is totally up to you and no one else.


You will find someone when you least expect it

Don't be afraid to take risks and meet new people. You're not going to randomly meet the person of your dreams unless you're actually looking and giving people chances. You have to get to know someone before you figure out whether or not they're the right one for you. Don't expect to bump into the perfect partner by accident or to find happily ever after in just the first encounter.


Don't sleep with someone on the first date

It's up to you to decide if someone gets lucky on the first date, and no one else. When it comes to your body and your choices, you're the only one who can decide what to do. Taking your time to get through the bases doesn't necessarily guarantee you'll end up with a win, and neither will a home run, for that matter. You have to decide whether or not a love interest is a keeper, and how you do so is up to you.


The right person is out there. In fact, we're willing to bet a lot of right people for you are out there. All you have to do is meet them and hope for the best!

