What Does It Mean When You Always Feel Sick

Few things are more unpleasant than spending the day with a queasy, I-want-to-be-sick feeling that starts in the pit of your stomach. And if you've discounted the most obvious reasons like a big night out with friends or pregnancy, you may be wondering what you did or ate to make you feel this bad.


Doctors say there are many reasons why you are feeling sick. "Nausea is a common symptom that can be triggered by a number of physical or emotional events," says Sarah Brewer, a doctor with UK firm Healthspan says (via Irish Examiner). "It is a non-specific symptom that can be difficult to pin down — some causes are common, while others are more rare — but any other accompanying symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, abdominal pain or diarrhea, can help to determine the cause."

There are plenty of reasons why you always feel sick

When you've gone for several hours without eating or drinking, low blood sugar and dehydration are possible reasons why you could be feeling dizzy and ready to pass out. In this case, nausea caused by a lack of food and water is easily fixed with a healthy, high carb treat and a glass of water. Internist Kristine Arthur recommends fruit juice (with a glass of water for a chaser?) or a piece of fruit. "Candy will also work if healthier options aren't available," Arthur says (via Self).


We all know a lack of sleep is bad, but we didn't know a bad night can also trigger nausea — researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have found that constant sleep disruptions over an extended period of time may make a person more likely to develop gut and stomach problems (via Research Gate).

Stress and anxiety can make you feel sick

If feeling sick all the time is stressing you out, you may be caught in a vicious circle, because stress and anxiety have both been known to trigger nausea. Internist Randy Wexler tells Self that this is because when you are stressed, your brain tells the nerves in your gut to start contracting in the same way it might work when you are having a meal. The contractions then affect your gut's rhythm, leaving your insides confused, and you feeling queasy.


But if you find that stress and anxiety are triggering a host of problems including sleepless nights, eating disorders, and nausea, it may be time to address the root cause of all your problems by considering a relaxation technique that will deal with the stress, such as breathing or mindful meditation. You may also want to consider eating lighter meals to minimize the load on your gut, and then working on getting a good night's sleep (via Refinery 29). You just might surprise yourself in the morning.

If all else fails, though, check with your doctor to see if something else is going on — just to be on the safe side.

