The Reason Moms Are Coming To Jennifer Lopez's Defense After Her Super Bowl Performance

Jennifer Lopez's Super Bowl performance was just as spectacular as you'd expect from this mega-star who seems to shine even brighter despite the fact that she's passed her 50th birthday. While most of her fans in the audience appeared delighted, once the show was over, the haters came out on social media. Many seemed to want to slam her for her stripper pole dance maneuvers which she'd mastered to play her role in the movie Hustlers.


As always, there were moms getting angry about how the stripper pole performance wasn't what they considered family-friendly, with one sneering, "She sets such a wonderful example for the young girls (note the sarcasm)." Other moms, however, clapped back at the complainers, such as the one who pointed out, "My children were in bed before it even came on cuz their bedtime is 8pm in [sic] school nights."

CafeMom's columnist Tanvier Peart actually grew quite indignant in her defense of Lopez, asking if her critics were also "talking about the heartwarming moment J.Lo shared with her 11-year-old when she took the stage?" This moment not only sweetly showcased a mother and her talented daughter but also slipped in what Hollywood Reporter referred to as powerful but subtle statements on Puerto Rico and U.S. immigration policy. These messages were, for many viewers, the highlight of the whole halftime show.


J.Lo got political during her Super Bowl halftime performance

As daughter Emme joined J.Lo on stage to sing "Let's Get Loud," it was actually actions that spoke — and sang — even louder than words. She was joined by a chorus of children, some of whom were dressed in sparkling flags and holding hands in a symbol of unity, while others appeared to be trapped in "cages" made of light. It was these cages that many interpreted as a reference to the children who have been separated from their families and essentially imprisoned in ICE Detention facilities under President Trump's immigration policies.


Lopez then draped herself in a feathered cape depicting the Puerto Rican flag while singing the old Springsteen hit "Born in the U.S.A.," reminding viewers that Puerto Rico is also a part of the United States and that Puerto Ricans are every bit as American as anyone born in any of the other states or territories (or Washington, D.C.).

For Peart, and for all the moms out there who were touched at how J.Lo and her daughter together took a stand for what they so strongly believe in, the bottom line regarding any controversy surrounding the performance is this: "Unless you are speaking about the issues J.Lo highlighted instead of concentrating on what she wore and how she danced, back off."

