The Truth About Prince Harry's Rumored Deal With Goldman Sachs

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle first said they were stepping back from their royal duties and were looking to become financially independent, there were questions over how this was meant to be achieved. Now it seems we have one answer. 


Earlier this week, British publications including the Mirror reported that Prince Harry had begun talking to banking giant Goldman Sachs back in November — which is around the time Harry and Meghan reportedly began suggesting they wanted to leave the royal family. The deal involves Harry possibly appearing at the firm's "Talks at GS" series, which in the past has featured big-name entrepreneurs and celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Karlie Kloss, and Hillary Clinton. Now Harper's Bazaar says it has spoken to sources who have confirmed that the discussions not only did take place, they had been going on for about a year, and that the talks were in connection with one of Harry's official patronages. 


Harry and Meghan were in Miami for a summit held by another controversial bank

Word of Harry and Meghan's potential new deal came less than a week after the media reported they had appeared at an event hosted by another banking giant, JP Morgan, in Miami. Their appearance, which media reports say could have made them $1 million, saw Harry reportedly speaking about mental health in relation to death of his mother, Princess Diana. That appearance was criticized because JP Morgan has been linked to companies that carry out Arctic oil and gas exploration, and goes against Harry and Meghan's vocal opposition to fossil fuel emissions and expressed commitment for various environmental causes. 


Tina Brown, who has written a book about Princess Diana, has told The New York Times that Harry is still trying to process his mother's death. "I think the deep wounds of his mother's death have never healed. And his sense of his role as the second son, the fact that he loved his military career but then left and didn't have that sense of purpose — all of that came together to make him a very unhappy man," she says.

