Signs You've Found Your Kindred Spirit

There is magic in discovering a person with whom we share a connection, whether it is enjoyment of the same music, movies, books, or even sharing the same taste in clothes or food. And before you dismiss the thought of meeting a kindred spirit as being cheesy, consider that two British researchers actually sought to study different people and the connections that occur when they meet their kindred spirit.


Researchers sociologist Linda Findlay and psychologist Virginia Eatough wrote (via Phenomenology and Practice), "We found ourselves using the phrase 'kindred spirit' to describe our feelings of being understood and accepted by others, alongside the awareness of shared interests and passions." They found that as far as their subjects were concerned, kindred spirit connections happened across a spectrum of relationship types and contexts, and did not distinguish between age and gender. They also discovered that kindred spirit connections happen in different types of relationships from bonding, fellowship, and destiny, to chemistry and love.

Signs you've found your kindred spirit

Your Tango compares the kindred spirit connection to lights that gravitate toward each other because their energy is harmonious and because they complement each other. When this happens, you will know you are with a kindred spirit because there is a natural flow to your relationship, it feels easy being together and you share many interests. Other clues are when you can talk for hours and yet are so comfortable with each other that silence isn't a problem, and you view life through the same lens. Conversely, if there is a well between you and another person, it is likely that the other person is not a kindred spirit.


It is important, though, to open yourself to meeting new people in order to find your kindred spirits. To do this you need to get out there, be brave, speak your truth, and ask others about themselves instead of worrying about what they might think of you, because the magic of being able to hear or say, "Me too!" to another person when they relate an experience is well worth the effort (via Her View From Home).

