Susan Boyle Reveals Her Biggest Regret About Her Career

In 2009, Susan Boyle became an overnight sensation after singing her heart out on Britain's Got Talent and winning the praises of the judges and audience alike. Since then, the star has gone on to release a number of albums, tour the world, and create a whole new life for herself. Her only regret? That her parents weren't there to see it all. "I just wish my mum and dad had been here to see it all," she told The Sunday Post in December 2019. "I think they would have been very proud and very happy," she continued.


Before winning hearts around the world, Boyle sadly lost both her parents and her sister. According to People, her father passed away in 1999, followed by her sister Kathleen in 2000, and just seven short years later, her mother, who she was very close with. "I felt a part of me had died with her," she revealed in an interview with The Guardian. In fact, she still lives in her mother's house.

Susan Boyle has one piece of advice for those wanting to follow in her footsteps

But as you can probably tell, Susan Boyle hasn't let grief stop her, admitting to The Sunday Post, that she has "no doubt they [her family] are looking down on me." And since appearing on Britain's Got Talent, the star's life has transformed. Speaking about her career, Boyle admitted singing for the Pope and singing in America for the very first time were both highlights. She added, "It's all very surreal, but it's been so much fun and the 10 years have flown by."


For those wanting to follow in her footsteps, Boyle has one piece of advice. "My advice would be to be in the moment and enjoy the moment and have a ball!" she told Northern Life. "The future is the future, it's the here and now we must focus on! You must be able to laugh at yourself and your mistakes and believe you me I've made some clangers! You must take life in your stride, I like a challenge, and this is very challenging!"

