How To Know When It's Time To See A Chiropractor

Chiropractic has come a long way since medical doctors perceived it to be a treatment that sat outside of the field of medicine. Today, chiropractors work alongside other healthcare workers like doctors and physical therapists in various fields where physical therapy and rehabilitation are important (via Taking Charge of your Health and Wellbeing). Today an estimated 62 million patients have been to see a chiropractor since 2011 (via USA Today). 


Our bodies are in the best position to tell us when we need a chiropractor — and that's usually at the first sign of pain, which indicates that something in our bodies isn't quite right. Unfortunately many of us try and will the pain away and we don't often consider any medical intervention until the pain is so bad we can't move. But pain management experts say pain is a clear sign that we'll be needing the help of a chiropractic treatment, particularly when it comes from specific parts of our bodies (via Allied Health Care).

Chronic pain is a sign that you need a chiropractor

You should book an appointment with a chiropractor when you get chronic headaches, migraines, and neck pain because the pain could be caused by muscle tension in the neck, which can be treated by a chiropractor. Persistent back pain is another reason to see a chiropractor — and by persistent, we mean lasting for at least six weeks, and the pain isn't just sticking around, but it's also actually getting worse. If you suffer from chronic pain in your muscles or joints, it may also be time to see a chiropractor to make sure nothing more serious has developed (via Allied Health Care).


It's important to remember that your chiropractor isn't just going to go in and crack your spine first thing. He'll do a thorough check before he begins, and he will pay attention to your health history and bone density so he'll know how to deal with your problem. But even before you book an appointment with a chiropractor, go see your doctor first to make sure the pain you're feeling is not something beyond what a chiropractor can fix. Your doctor may also be in a good position to refer you to a chiropractor who can help — because it's best to see someone with a recommendation (via USA Today).

