Bloopers And Other Moments That Make Us Love Meghan Markle Even More

Meghan Markle is an easy human to love. She's talented, she's smart, she's charitable, and she also just so happens to be married to a prince. Her humble beginnings in Los Angeles led to the actualization of some pretty big dreams and even before her royal wedding, many fans knew her from the American legal drama Suits.


But out of the spotlight with the cameras are turned off, Meghan's personality still dazzles — and she's got a killer sense of humor. Whether it be sharing a silly moment with a co-worker or connecting with a fan, she's got a way or forging connections with people from all walks of life. Even though Meghan keeps her life pretty private these days, we've been blessed with some flat-out hilarious moments from the star through the years. And while she's easy to adore, these moments make us love her even more. Be forewarned: Some of these moments and bloopers are sure to make you laugh out loud.

The time Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's engagement interview outtakes were couple goals

Members of the royal family are expected to maintain a certain level of poise and presence of mind. That explains why Meghan Markle and her hubby Prince Harry so often have a serious or stoic demeanor during events and live interviews. But of course, there are some exceptions.


In November 2017, the pair spoke to the BBC, marking their very first television interview together and their first presser following their engagement. The lovebirds made it very clear how smitten they were with each other and during the interview outtakes shared by International Business Times, you can watch them totally goofing off. Meghan and Harry were seen making silly faces, hand gestures, and giggling incessantly. Unfortunately, audio of the outtakes were not released so we can only guess what they were joking about, but it was hilarious all the same. Meghan and Harry still have their serious moments more often than not, of course, but the interview showed how fun-loving they can be behind the scenes.


When Meghan Markle's Spanish was so flawless even she couldn't help but laugh

From 2011 to 2018, Meghan Markle appeared as Rachel Zane in the legal drama Suits. The show aired for nine seasons with Meghan missing only the final season and throughout their time filming, the cast appeared to get very close. So much so that they couldn't help but goof off now and then. There's tons of bloopers from the long-running show, with each one more hilarious than the last.


One of the most lovable moments was when Meghan was asked to act out a rather serious scene with costar Rick Hoffman, but they ended up laughing so hard when Meghan started speaking in Spanish that they had to restart the scene. The script apparently featured some tension between the two stars, but make no mistake, in real life it was just the opposite. In an interview with AOL's Build Series, Meghan revealed how her costars from Suits, especially Hoffman, wound up becoming like "family." In fact, when she wed Prince Harry in May 2018, she invited Hoffman to attend, according to Us Weekly.

The time Meghan Markle danced in an Uber

Leave it to Meghan Markle to turn an Uber ride into a full-blown party. In 2017, she hopped in an Uber with makeup mogul Bobbi Brown to film a beauty segment, and the two ladies had an absolute blast. What started out as a car ride full of beauty tutorials from the famed makeup artist turned into a completely different moment. At one point in their ride, Brown's phone went off, blasting a song from Biggie Smalls. Meghan appeared to welcome the interruption, though, and started bopping her head and dancing in tune with the song. Who knew she was a fan of one of Brooklyn's Finest?


In that same video, she and Brown were pictured having a zen moment in the back of the car, taking a moment to meditate after the silly interruption only to start laughing, unable to take the moment seriously. It was definitely one of Meghan's most lovable media moments.

When Meghan Markle simply had no answer

As Meghan Markle divulged to Marie Claire, the royal attended Northwestern University where she double-majored in international relations and theater. But from time to time, even she gets stumped.

In 2016, Meghan attended an interview with UKTV where she was quizzed on her British knowledge. She swiftly made her way through most of the questions, but one in particular tripped her up. After reading the question "What is the national animal of England?" she replied, "Am I supposed to know that?" She then pointed to someone offscreen and insisted, "You don't know that!" Meghan continued, saying, "All right I'm keeping that on-camera; she doesn't know it either."


Meghan was left puzzled by the British trivia Q, but when faced with the same question about Scotland, she was left equally exasperated. "I don't know! That's not even a jeopardy question!" she exclaimed. The video interview made for one hilarious (and slightly awkward) series of moments from the soon-to-be Duchess of Sussex.

When Meghan Markle dished about getting pedicures with a costar

In May 2016, Meghan Markle conducted a round of press interviews in New York City and made AOL headquarters one of her stops. While reminiscing on her time filming Suits, she shared some of her favorite memories. One of these included a flashback that made Meghan roar with laughter as she recounted it.


Meghan first started by explaining how her Suits costars were so close. "We've grown up together," she explained. "The people I'm closest with on the show, though, are Rick [Hoffman] and Sarah [Rafferty]." Hoffman and Rafferty played Louis Litt and Donna Paulsen, respectively. Meghan admitted to Build Series host Donna Freydkin that she and Hoffman got especially close during filming. "Rick and I always go and get foot massages together," she said, letting out a loud laugh. However, she was sure to add the splurging on foot massages was mostly her costar's idea. 

When Meghan Markle struggled to maintain a serious face while filming

In character as a paralegal on USA's Suits, Meghan Markle was a total boss. But behind the scenes, it was a different story. There's numerous bloopers from her eight-season stint on the drama series and they will make fans love Meghan love her all the more. One of these moments included a scene with Patrick J. Adams, and the future royal just couldn't keep a straight face.


For some background, Meghan detailed in an article for Elle that she comes from a biracial background. Her character Rachel Zane does too, as Suits made reference to her heritage in one scene. "It's black and white," Meghan said when describing a movie to her costar, to which Adams replied, "Well so are you." At first, the actress rolled her eyes at the remark as she was supposed to in accordance with the script, but she ultimately wound up laughing. Take two! 

When her lines completely slipped her mind

Even a seasoned actress like Meghan Markle forgets her lines from time to time. In one of her Suits scenes featuring Patrick J Adams, Meghan had one line slip her mind multiple times in a row, which naturally made for a hilarious on-set moment.


At first, Meghan let out a frustrated sigh upon missing her line. She gave the scene a second attempt only to flub it again. That time, Adams teasingly made a comment that turned the tense situation into a lighthearted one. "It's kind of fun to watch this," Adams said, which caused Meghan to start laughing. Thankfully, he was understanding about the scene and quipped, "Let's do it again!" Meghan, of course, eventually nailed the scene.

Oh, and if it seems like these two actors have undeniable on-screen chemistry, there's a reason for that. According to Meghan, they knew each other even before signing on for the USA series. "Before Suits, I did a pilot every single year. I even did a pilot for ABC with Patrick J. Adams, who plays Mike Ross on the show, like six years ago," she explained to Marie Claire back in 2013.


The time Meghan Markle got rudely interrupted

In one of her on-camera interviews conducted with Entertainment Tonight Canada in 2016, Meghan Markle encountered a slight hiccup while filming. Right in the middle of the chat, a blaring construction sound began behind Meghan. However, she handled it with the utmost grace. "Holding for sound," she cheekily said, causing her interviewer to chuckle. As the interview host said, sometimes things are completely out of your control, like construction noises while doing an interview.


Entertainment Tonight also reported that the sit-down chat with Meghan was taped a mere couple months before she had her first date with Prince Harry. Even then, Meghan had love on the brain. In the same interview, she referenced the popular sitcom Friends and spoke about how she dreamed of having a love just like Ross and Rachel. "We can all have that love!" she excitedly told the host. Looking back, the endearing interview was the ultimate example of foreshadowing in Meghan's love life.

The time Meghan Markle struggled to choose her favorite cuisine

It's no secret Meghan Markle is the ultimate foodie. After all, she ran her successful food and culture blog, The Tigfor years. But she further proved her passion for a wide variety of cuisines in a 2016 interview with Entertainment Tonight Canada.


When she was faced with an ultimatum of sushi or Mexican food, Meghan had a very difficult time choosing either option. "Oh man, that's a tough one," she said with a perplexed face. After a moment of hesitation, Meghan accidentally blurted out "Smexican!" — thus combining both words into one.

But don't go searching for any semxican recipes on The Tig. Meghan Markle closed her site upon entering in a relationship with Prince Harry. "After close to three beautiful years on this adventure with you, it's time to say goodbye to The Tig," she wrote when closing shop on the site. "What began as a passion project (my little engine that could) evolved into an amazing community of inspiration, support, fun and frivolity."


When Meghan Markle had the ultimate fan-girl moment

Even celebrities can have overzealous fan moments of their own from time to time. In 2016, Meghan Markle gave the scoop on her favorite things on USA's Rapidfire Interview with USA network. In one part of the interview, which has since been taken down, Meghan was asked to name the first album she ever owned. "It was either Tiffany or Debbie Gibson ... 'I Think We're Alone Now,'" she shared. Meghan then nearly fell off the edge of her seat when the interviewer told her Tiffany had recently returned to play a concert. "What? Do you see my heart palpitating?" she exclaimed.


The quick round of questions shed a lot of light on Meghan's music taste. She also revealed that Whitney Houston was the first singer she saw perform live and when it came to the best concert she'd ever attended, she gave the crown to Jason Mraz after seeing him live in Los Angeles. Still, nothing came close to her reaction about the Tiffany concert news. Clearly, Meghan was a day-one fan.

The time Meghan Markle attempted a Catalan accent

Meghan Markle is one charismatic lady — especially in interviews. In 2013, she sat down with Craig Ferguson to chat about her early beginnings before fame and detailed her time working at the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The chat soon took a silly turn when she gave her best impression of the local language.


"They speak a very different kind of Spanish, it's Catalan, so it almost sounds like Italian," she told the talk show host. The future duchess then started shooting out words and phrases featuring the Catalan accent, making the host laugh. Ferguson loved the funny moment so much he joined in as well.

Meghan is able to get silly when looking back on her embassy work, but she took it very seriously when she was in the midst of it. Meghan's global studies ultimately landed her an internship with the embassy upon graduating, she revealed in an article for Marie Claire. "It was during their economic devaluation and our Secretary of the Treasury at the time, Paul O'Neill, was there. So I'm 20 years old, in Buenos Aires, in a motorcade, doing that whole thing," she wrote.


When Meghan Markle had to give one Suits scene another go

Meghan Markle and Patrick J. Adams are the king and queen of Suits bloopers. As the two lead actors, they filmed a lot of scenes together through the years, though not every episode went off without a hitch. In one scene from the USA Network drama series, they had trouble seeing eye to eye. In the clip, both stars thought they were saying the right lines, but instead kept repeating themselves. It appears they weren't really sure who was at fault for the mishap, but when Adams tried to feed Meghan her line, he got it wrong as well. In the background of the blooper, laughter from the production crew could be heard.


Even offscreen the two stars shared a fun-loving relationship. When Meghan parted ways with the cast as she prepared to marry Prince Harry, Adams gave her the ultimate Instagram tribute, writing, "Playing Meghan's television partner for the better part of a decade uniquely qualifies me to say this: Your Royal Highness, you are a lucky man and I know your long life together will be joyful, productive, and hilarious."

When Meghan Markle stopped an interview to say bless you to a fan

Meghan Markle loves her fans and she's sure to make that known. During her candid 2016 interview with AOL's Build Series, Meghan took some time to answer questions from fans in the crowd. While delivering advice to one fan about charity work, she stopped mid-chat to say "bless you" to another fan who'd sneezed. She then pretended the sneeze was her way out of the conversation — causing herself and the audience to laugh — before continuing her response.


The heartwarming interview also featured another surprise moment from Meghan when she got up and walked across the room to hand something to a fan in the crowd. It turns out Meghan recognized the fan from Twitter and had actually brought a handwritten letter for her that day. The candid moment wasn't exactly planned to be part of the interview, but with Meghan, there's always a little room for surprise.

When Meghan Markle admitted she was listening to this rap song on repeat

Meghan Markle may have had to keep a certain kind of image as one of the British royals, but in the past, Meghan has admitted to listening to trap rapper Desiigner. The rapper secured the No. 1 spot on the Billboard's Hot 100 charts with his smash hit, and Meghan admitted she was a fan to Lifestyle magazine in 2017.


"I think for working out, it's such a different beast," she explained, when asked about her go-to fitness playlist. "I always end up listening to what's [on the] top 40. That 'Panda' song right now ... forget it. It's great for a run," she added. That being said, Meghan probably won't be attending any concerts for the hip-hop star anytime soon. "I don't know if it will be on my playlist in another month or so," she clarified. As for her favorite happy song? "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston, the Suits star said.

