The Real Reason Meghan McCain Won't Talk About Her Pregnancy

Since announcing she was expecting a baby with her husband, Ben Domenech, Meghan McCain has not let fans into her private life over the past few months (via E! News). For those of you wondering why The View co-host has gone dark on social media regarding her pregnancy, well, McCain has an answer for you.


"People keep asking and requesting I show pics & details of my pregnancy," the soon-to-be mom shared on Twitter. "Given that people write on photos I put up of my family they are glad my Dad got cancer and he's in hell, I thought I would leave my unborn child out of the social media cess pool as much as is possible."

As if to prove her point that social media commenters are out for blood, users immediately pounced on McCain with some not-so-nice thoughts. "U are such a drama queen," one tweeted in response to the star's announcement. Another user commented, "You could have just said, 'oh, thanks for your interest, but my husband and I have decided not to share photos.' You know — take the victimhood out of it for your audience."


Most commenters support Meghan McCain's decision to keep her pregnancy private

The overwhelming majority of comments supported McCain's decision, with such tweets as, "This is the wise move, and I'm sorry people do this to you. God Bless you and your growing family," and "I respect your view on this. It's your right. All the best to you and the family."


McCain also took to Instagram to share more: "Ben and I have made the conscious decision to guard our (growing) families privacy as much as is possible. I believe children have a right to privacy and hope you will all understand as we navigate this as much as possible going forward without sacrificing our comfort or safety."

She added she understands choosing to remain mum about her pregnancy is an unconventional choice for a television host, whose job is in front of the cameras five days a week. Supporters chimed in with comments like, "I applaud you. Safe guard what you can. People can be so so cruel. We've lost the ability to appreciate and honor a living human being," and "I don't blame you plus it's your life and you can share what you feel like sharing."


Refreshing sentiments of encouragement continued to flood her social media accounts. Based on McCain's experience, sharing how mean comments hurt, instead of just turning off comments, or acting like it's okay for people to be cruel, is a route more stars can take to tease some humanity out of people!

