This Is The Best Sleep Position If You Snore

Snorers (and partners or roommates of snorers) unite! Apparently your sleeping position has way more of an impact on your snoring habits than you may think. And changing it up might just be the solution to quieting the sounds you don't mean to make when you're just trying to get your eight hours of beauty sleep. According to Tara Youngblood, leading sleep expert and co-founder of Chili Technology, it all starts with how you rest your head on your pillow. In fact, a study published by the journal Sleep found that the way you position your head when sleeping is key to minimizing snoring.


"So many people do not consider how an old pillow can impact snoring," Youngblood tells The List. And even the smallest change can give you big results. She explains that a "head tilt of [less than] 20 degrees really makes a difference for minor OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) and snoring." Whether this means a new pillow altogether, or simply repositioning yourself before you doze off, it's definitely worth this giving this snoring tip a go. 

Sleeping on your right side may improve snoring

Sleeping on your side in what's called a torso position can also help. "Snoring positions can be broken down into head position and torso position," explains Youngblood. "For some people, torso position can make a difference, so in those cases, [sleeping] on either [side] can help." Don't know whether you should pick right or left? "People often find that their right side is better," she revealed. However, researchers aren't sure why exactly. 


Depending on the severity of your snoring, and how much it affects you in your day-to-day life, you may also want to consider investing in a special wedge pillow and adjustable bed, says Youngblood. Ultimately, you can't really control where or how your body moves when you sleep. But being conscious of the position you're in when drifting off could improve your sleep and that of your partner.

