The Surprising Reason You Shouldn't Drink Coffee First Thing In The Morning

To many of us, mornings mean coffee, especially if you're not an early bird and struggle to get out of bed every day. Whether you like yours black with a splash of milk or prefer a mocha with a load of cream dolloped on top, it's something that we coffee drinkers look forward to the moment we wake up. So much so, that it's often the first thing that touches our lips. However, according to medical experts, drinking coffee first thing in the morning on an empty stomach isn't actually a good idea.


First, regardless of the time of day that you sip your cup of Joe, too much of it can result in "jitters, shakes, and other withdrawal effects, including mood changes," Adam Simon, chief medical officer at Push Doctor, told the Express. So, it should be no surprise that drinking it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning poses some potential problems. "It can increase the amount of water you pass and can potentially create symptoms of dehydration," Dr. Simon revealed. "It [also] can affect your pulse, causing an irregular heartbeat by putting pressure on the heart, and it can adversely affect your blood pressure." 

More reasons not to drink coffee first thing in the a.m.

Drinking coffee as soon as you wake up "increases cortisol, which can negatively impact ovulation, weight, and hormonal balance," explained registered dietician Carlyn Rosenblum to PureWow. She adds that it can even wreak havoc on your gut health. 


What's more, as pharmacist Nitin Makadia explained to Express, "Coffee, even decaffeinated coffee, has been shown to stimulate [the] production of acid which, in the absence of food, can be damaging to the lining of the stomach with repeated exposure." In other words, it's better to wait until you've had hearty breakfast to get your daily dose of caffeine. And if you can wait it little longer, it's even better. Registered dietitian Anar Allidina believes two to three hours after you wake up is typically the sweet spot for sipping your brew (via Global News).

