What To Do If You Get Hair Dye On Your Skin

It's hard not to love hair dye. From the giving you an entirely new look to covering up your grays, it also gives you boost of color and makes your hair look extra shiny and healthy. But if you've ever dyed your hair at home, you're bound to have got a little bit of dye somewhere on your skin (if not, consider yourself a pro!). 

"The pigment in hair dye is designed to penetrate through the outer cuticle of the hair and remain there, infusing long-lasting color into the hair shaft," explained Joshua Zeichner, Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research at the Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology, explained to Good Housekeeping. "If exposed to the skin, it can also penetrate through its outer layer, causing a semi-permanent tint." And whether you get the hair dye on your ears, neck, shoulders, or leg (yes, it's really possible), Zeichner advises getting rid of it ASAP. So how exactly do you get rid of this semi-permanent tint on your skin?

Getting rid of hair dye on your skin is easier than you may think

According to Healthline, there are a few different things you can try when trying to remove hair dye from your skin, but it's important to keep in mind the location of the hair dye stain. If the hair dye is on your face or near your hairline, reach for olive oil or a small amount of toothpaste, then leave on the skin for a few minutes, before rinsing. If this doesn't work, go back to basics and try soap and water. 

If it's on your hands or body, opt for rubbing alcohol or nail polish, using a cotton bud to spot clean. Again, be sure to rinse your skin with water after the dye has been removed, as it tends to be harsh and drying for certain skin types. Baking soda mixed with water is another option. The key is to remember to be gentle. "No matter what, always be careful not to rub your skin raw," Beverly Hills-based dermatologist Ava Shamban warned Allure. If the hair dye doesn't come out, you're better off just waiting it out rather than damaging your skin.