How Much Is Donald Trump Actually Worth?

You probably have surmised that President Donald Trump has more than a few pennies to rub together. There's his real estate, for one thing, and the Mar-a-Lago retreat, where he's often interviewed while golfing, sure looks swank. Plus, the prez donates the $400,000 salary he earns each year for serving in the White House, as if it's an extra twenty he found in the street (per USA Today). But how wealthy is The Donald? The exact amount isn't clear, because Trump has not shared his tax returns or business records (per MarketWatch). Two different estimates, however, place his net worth above $2 billion. Which makes our 45th president the richest president in U.S. history (via Fox).


That being said, Trump's piggy bank has seen better days. According to Forbes, which clocked him at $2.1 billion dollars, Trump actually lost $1 billion since pre-coronavirus estimates, because hospitality and golfing make up a good chunk of his assets, and people aren't exactly grabbing suites or swinging clubs like they used to these days. Meanwhile, Bloomberg estimates that the President's net worth is $2.7 billion, and that he's "only" lost $300 million due to coronavirus-related market declines. Meanwhile, none of these figures come close to the $10 billion Trump claimed he was worth during his first presidential campaign (per The New York Times). But, anything that's got a "billion" attached to it is hardly chump change. So where did all of this money come from?


Most of Donald Trump's money comes from commercial real estate

The lion's share of the Trump billions comes from commercially owned buildings — including the iconic Manhattan properties that bear his name — which he owns, but sons Donald, Jr., and Eric operate, according to Forbes. From public records, Bloomberg broke down Trump's commercial properties as follows: His office building at 40 Wall Street is worth $375 million, the Trump Tower skyscraper is worth $365 million, and the property that used to house Niketown, at 6 East 57th Street, is worth $360 million. There's an additional $315 million in other commercial properties. There's also $765 million from Trump's partnership with Vornado Realty Trust, which Vornado has been looking to sell (per Real Deal). Their co-owned properties include office towers in New York and San Francisco.


Bloomberg reported that since March, the value of these properties is down by as much as 30 percent, as the coronavirus has transformed our business culture from the boardroom to the bedroom.

Donald Trump also owns hotels, residential real estate, and golf courses

Trump's portfolio also includes plenty of hotels, golf courses, and residential properties, such as Trump Park Avenue, worth $130 million, according to Bloomberg. The value of the 500 residential units across the country Trump owns has dipped, although it's hard to say by exactly how much, because the shutdown happened so quickly, and home purchases take a long time to clear, from listing to contract to closing.


Meanwhile, Trump's golf courses and resorts, which are worth $430 million, are down in value by as much as 30 percent, according to Bloomberg. The Washington, D.C. hotel he recently opened is worth $160 million — Trump is considering selling it (per the New York Post). Meanwhile, Trump hotels have laid off 1,500 employees due to the coronavirus (per The Washington Post).

Whether golf continues to suffer largely will depend on whether the economy rebounds, experts predicted. "The first thing that gets cut out of the diet is the golf budget," Jeff Davis, managing director of golf brokerage firm Fairway Advisors, said to Forbes.

A lot of Donald Trump's money is in cash

According to Forbes, a sizable chunk of Trump's net worth comes from cold, hard cash — about $160 million. Another piece of it — worth $295 million — is from an asset category the financial magazine refers to as "trophies," and it includes Trump Winery and the Trump Tower penthouse. He also boasts a custom Boeing 757 which Trump's website describes as featuring, "Italian leather seats embroidered with the Trump Family crest, 24-karat gold plated accents, two private guestrooms, three bathrooms, dining and conference areas and an extensive entertainment system that rivals any private theater." Trump also owns three Sikorsky S76 helicopters.


Trump certainly isn't the only billionaire to splurge on a yacht, and his nearly $30 million, 100-cabin Trump Princess was outfitted in bathrooms tiled in pure, Italian-carved onyx, as well as a hair salon and a hospital. He sold the enormous luxury boat in 1991 after his Atlantic City casino went under (via Port & Terminal). But he was never one for the the seafaring life. In fact, Trump made it clear that he didn't obtain this yacht because he enjoys being on deck."I've been on friends' boats before and couldn't get off fast enough," Trump told Boat International in a 1989 profile of Trump's purchase of this beast of the sea from Saudi Arabian businessman Adnan Khashoggi. "I knew that she would blow everybody's mind. She would become a spectacle."


