Inside Clint And Lisa Hartman Black's Marriage

Couple Clint and Lisa Hartman Black have been together for a very long time. As Country Living notes, the two met all the way back on New Year's Eve in 1990, when the actress attended one of the country star's concerts in Houston, TX — the city where, coincidentally, they're also both originally from. Black was feeling overwhelmed. Backstage, a whole slew of fans were waiting to speak to him, and the singer-songwriter was wondering, "How am I going to stand here and be a pleasant guy when on the inside I'm freaking out?"


However, the atmosphere changed instantly when his manager introduced Lisa Hartman, with whom Black immediately felt a connection. "Anyone would be taken by her looks but she was a really, really pleasant person and I didn't know her from Eve. I'd never seen her movies. All I knew was that she was a TV actress," he admitted.

Clint and Lisa Hartman Black made it official after less than a year

Country Living reports the two continued to make time for each other over the subsequent years, as friends, before things inevitably turned romantic. "I knew intuitively that she could be trusted with my heart and my life," Black revealed. Just ten months and 20 days after that initial meeting, on Oct. 20, 1991, the couple got married on Black's 180-acre Texas farm. 25 years later, in 2016, the couple credited their unbreakable bond with keeping both of their impressive careers afloat, too.


Black advises his lyrics are often inspired by his wife, admitting, "When we got married, my capacity to feel deepened. Our marriage, who we are together, guides me." They've collaborated on songs several times and have also appeared in movies together. Since daughter Lily came along, the actress's career has taken a backseat, so the couple jump at the chance to work together. "Get us together and we're enjoying life," Black explained simply.

The key to their marriage is shared humor and affection for each other

The fact that these two not only found each other but made it work is no small feat, particularly since Hartman-Black admitted to People that prior to meeting her husband, "The thought of spending my whole life with just one person didn't make sense to me." Black himself admitted, "I always liked the idea of a relationship, but with my schedule, it never worked out." Kids weren't in the plan either, as both acknowledged to Good Housekeeping.


However, they know how to roll with the punches at this stage, crediting the longevity of their relationship to a shared sense of humor. "We continue to laugh," Hartman Black explained simply. At the core of it all, though, they just love each other's company.  "Even if we're just laying around the house on a rainy day, staying in bed, anything we do when it's just the two of us is heaven," Black revealed.

