Here's What Elle Macpherson Is Doing Today

Most supermodels have great figures, but Elle Macpherson's was so fabulous that TIME Magazine credited her with the nickname "The Body" in 1989 (via Telegraph). The Australian supermodel dominated magazine covers and was mega successful in both high-fashion and commercial campaigns (per Huffington Post). Her looks may have been what jump-started her career, although these days we're more impressed with her business-savvy mind.


Today Macpherson, 56, is busy working out the logistics of her businesses down under from the States, explaining, "I am based in Miami, and my two businesses are in Australia. My lingerie business 'Elle Macpherson Body' is based in Melbourne, and WelleCo's head office is on the other side of Australia in Cottesloe, Western Australia. Both companies distribute globally, so coordinating everything, everyone in the different time zones (10 to 12 hours) can be a logistical whirlwind." (via Domino). We're definitely impressed, and maybe a little dazed as well trying to think about the amount planning that goes into managing two businesses from a different time zone.

Elle Macpherson is the mother of two young men

Personally, Macpherson is enjoying mom life with her two grown sons Flynn, 22, and Cy, 17. She is honest about the perks of her privileged life, and when asked about what it takes to keep everyone grounded she shares, "'s a delicate line, and we certainly have opportunities as a family that I didn't have as a child. There's no use pretending we don't live like that. You know, the kids fly to Europe regularly, they went to good schools in England. We are an international family ... but I have to say the most beautiful moments really are the simplest times when we've been brought together, things like road trips" (via Vogue). Admittedly, it would be so hard not to stare if we ever saw Macpherson and her sons popping out of a roadside gas station.


It appears "The Body" is fully invested in her businesses and being a mother to two young men. She shares with Vogue that today, she defines success as "being able to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and humor, and learn from the experience, and apply what you've learnt."

