How Multitasking Might Actually Age You

Anti-aging tips and tricks go as far back as Cleopatra, who took baths in donkey's milk (via Harper's Bazaar). And as much time and money you spend on creams, gels, and other products, multitasking could be undermining all that work and prematurely aging you (via Health).


Multitasking can seem like a good habit, and a great way to get more out of your day. But that may just be wishful, and even harmful, thinking. Cal Newport, a Georgetown professor and author, explained to Fast Company, "Many people have convinced themselves that it's crucial that they are always connected, both professionally and socially, but the reality is that this requirement is self-imposed."

That self-imposed connection of do it all, all the time for everyone leads to stress. Multitasking actually increases levels of cortisol and adrenaline in our body (via Psychology Today). This is a natural stress response, but if we're at a heightened level of stress for a long period of time, like if we try to multitask everyday, it has a negative effect that literally shows up on your face.


Multitasking causes stress and stress ages our skin

The scientific article "Brain-Skin Connection: Stress, Inflammation and Skin Aging" goes into detail about the link between stress hormones and our skin. They describe how increased cortisol breaks down collagen and elastin, which in turn makes it easier for wrinkles to form.


We need all the collagen and elastin we can get as we age. Collagen is what gives our skin firmness, and elastin, as you might guess from the name, is what gives skin its elastic stretch and its ability you bounce back. Every year, after 20, we produce about 1 percent less collagen (via Scientific American).

The need to multitask is an easy myth to buy into in today's world, trying to keep up with emails, texts, phone calls, news alerts, and more. But it is really a myth. According to a Stanford University study, multitasking actually impedes your brain from working as well as it can (via Stanford News). Try letting go of trying to do it all, all the time. It will be good for your brain, and good for your skin.


