How Adele Really Feels About Hosting SNL

On October 24, Adele will become the latest celebrity to host Saturday Night Live. While her appearance on the show will no doubt be entertaining and masterfully executed, Adele has mixed feelings about hosting the iconic show.


"Bloooooody hellllll I'm so excited about this!!" she wrote in an Instagram post announcing her appearance on the comedy show. "And also absolutely terrified! My first ever hosting gig and for SNL of all things!!!! I've always wanted to do it as a stand alone moment, so that I could roll up my sleeves and fully throw myself into it, but the time has never been right. But if there was ever a time for any of us to jump head first into the deep end with our eyes closed and hope for the best it's 2020 right?"

Adele hosting the show will be an anniversary of sorts, as she also pointed out in her post.

This will be Adele's third time on Saturday Night Live

"It'll be almost 12 years to the day that I first appeared on the show, during an election...which went on to break my career in America, so it feels full circle and I just couldn't possibly say no!" wrote Adele.


As noted by Us Weekly, Adele previously appeared on the show in 2008 just before that year's presidential election and again in 2015. Her SNL hosting gig will also mark her first public appearance since she underwent a dramatic weight loss that, so far, has only been glimpsed on Instagram.

The singer also said that she is excited to host the show as it will feature H.E.R. as the musical guest. "I love her SO much I can't wait to melt into a flaming hot mess when she performs, then confuse myself while I laugh my arse off in between it all," wrote the singer.

