Trump's Reaction To Fauci's 60 Minutes Interview Is Turning Heads

When Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on 60 Minutes on Sunday to deliver a bombshell interview that covered everything from his reaction to that Trump ad which quoted him out of context ("I got really ticked off," he said), his thoughts on the Amy Coney Barrett nomination, which turned out to be a superspreader event (he was "absolutely not" surprised President Donald Trump got sick), and his assessment on Trump's beliefs in science ("You know, I think deep down, he believes in science. If he didn't, he would not have entrusted his health to the very competent physicians at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center," he said according to CBS), it seemed like it would only be a matter of time before the president went after Dr. Fauci from the campaign trail — and that's just what he did.


USA Today reveals that during a campaign conference call, Trump said Fauci "drops a bomb" when he goes on TV, but that it would be "a bigger bomb if you fire him. This guy's a disaster." Despite the fact that COVID-19 is on the move once again with The New York Times reporting a 30 percent change to the 14-day infection rate, the president believes people are tired of hearing about the pandemic and are asking public health experts to "leave them alone." Trump further explained, "People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots."

Donald Trump also attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci on Twitter

The president also took to Twitter to rage against the well-regarded pandemic expert, saying: "Dr. Tony Fauci says we don't allow him to do television, and yet I saw him last night on @60Minutes, and he seems to get more airtime than anybody since the late, great, Bob Hope. All I ask of Tony is that he make better decisions. He said 'no masks & let China in.' Also, Bad arm!" The president added: "...P.S. Tony should stop wearing the Washington Nationals' Mask for two reasons. Number one, it is not up to the high standards that he should be exposing. Number two, it keeps reminding me that Tony threw out perhaps the worst first pitch in the history of Baseball!"


Regardless to say, Twitter was having none of that. One person responded by saying: "Trump is so jealous of Dr. Fauci's respect among Americans, he can't stand it. Americans trust Dr. Fauci over Trump.Dr. Fauci 69% Trump 28%" Another tweeted: "All we ask of our president is that he make better decisions.
Not ignore a pandemic. Stop holding super spreader rallies. Impose a national mask mandate. Why does't he care about American lives?"

The New York Times reports the country is on track to reach the highs it did between July and August. There are now more than 8.2 million coronavirus-positive cases, and close to 220,000 deaths.

