What You Didn't Know About Brad Pitt's Successful Brother

Talented, handsome, and funny — the Pitt men have these qualities in spades. No, that isn't superstar actor Brad Pitt in the photo up above, but instead his young brother, Doug Pitt. In a spoof ad for Mother's Brewing's "Doin' Good" orange wheat ale, Doug recreates his brother Brad's iconic role from the movie S7ven as Detective David Mills (via CheatSheet). Handsome and funny are immediately obvious, but did you know that Doug is also crazy successful?


According to his website, Doug Pitt is an accomplished real estate professional specializing in medical office space. In addition, he's a world-renowned philanthropist and the United Republic of Tanzania's first-ever Goodwill Ambassador. Doug's foundation, Worldserve International, has supported 1,500 clean water projects in Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia. Adding to the lengthy listing of Africa projects and endeavors, Doug has also helped the Starkey Hearing Foundation is working to provide hearing aids to thousands of Tanzanian citizens, plays a role in the creation of world class chocolate, and has even climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro (via St. Louis).

Doug Pitt is a different kind of superstar

Funny, handsome, caring, and don't forget rich. Doug Pitt has no need to be jealous of A-List brother Brad when it comes to finances — he's a millionaire in his own right. Doug's net worth is listed at $240 million (via Idol) although it should be noted these numbers don't provide details as to how this figured was calculated. However many millions the Pitt family possesses, it's clear they steer back to their much more humble Missouri roots.


Still close with childhood friends Stuart Walsworth, Steve Mabry, and Matt Miller, the younger Pitt is described as a tanned, blond, and handsome youth with killer dimples (via St. Louis). More reserved than many, he developed a lifelong mountain biking hobby. Doug himself admits he was a little different noting of his teen years, "I guess my definition of 'rowdy' may be a little different than other people's. I was the designated driver often." Friends and family call him steady, and very respectful of his celebrity brother. 

It's clear this other Pitt is a leader and celebrity in his own right, and warmly humorous and humble too.

