The Hilarious Way K-Pop Fans Are Trying To Disrupt The Presidential Election

They're back: K-pop fans are flexing their political muscles once again, this time hijacking #4MoreYears from supporters of President Donald Trump (via Newsweek). For those in need of a refresher, K-pop music's massive online fanbase has been known to channel its organizational prowess, showing support for Black Lives Matter this summer by crashing the Dallas police app with fancams, which are video close-ups of live music performances, and famously upending Trump's Tulsa rally by teaming up with teens across the country hellbent on punking the president with fake registrations for the event. This time around, K-pop fans are claiming #4MoreYears by tweeting it with fancams of K-pop and J-pop bands — not exactly the fodder MAGA fans are looking for!


"I'm loving that Kpop twitter has completely taken over the #4moreyears hashtag," posted @brownbronzegirl. Adds another user, "Not even a kpop fan but will learn from them and reclaim #4moreyears." According to Newsweek, #4MoreYears is also trending in the U.K. right now. Notes user @Sammalaaa: "Why is #4MoreYears trending here in the UK?! I assure you America, we don't want you to have 4 more years of him either!"

Here's who else is being trolled by K-Pop fans

While it seems like ages ago, it was only this past February when President Donald Trump made an off-the-cuff remark lamenting the news that the South Korean film Parasite — which examines universal themes of class tensions between rich and poor — won the Academy Award for Best Picture (via The New York Times). "What the hell was that all about?" Trump asked, addressing a rally in Colorado as he name dropped a film widely criticized for perpetuating racist stereotypes. "Can we get, like, Gone With the Wind back, please?" 


Now it seems fans of Korean pop culture are attempting to have the last laugh, taking on the president as well as the far-right conspiracy theorists of Q-Anon, rendering their hashtag all but unusable (via Bloomberg Businessweek). "They got beaten at their own game by Korean pop fans," observes conspiracy theory researcher Mike Rothschild. "I'd never seen anything like it before."

