The Ingenious Way To Avoid The Elf On The Shelf Tradition In 2020

Elf on the Shelf — it's a tradition kids everywhere look forward to at Christmastime, and one that parents, or at least some parents, have grown to despise. Because, the holidays demand a lot of work from moms and dads already, and adding in the Elf on the Shelf feels like one more thing on the "to do" list. It doesn't help that certain parents have seemingly upped the ante when it comes to creative ways to rearrange your Elf each day — less innovative, or exhausted, types may scroll through Instagram and feel deflated by their attempts to make the Elf on the Shelf tradition special for their families.


Well, one mom is here to help those of us who need a little relief from our Elves this season (via Yahoo!). Since, especially in 2020, a year with so many challenges, we can use all the support we can get. And if that means being able to delay — yes, seriously — having to start the Elf on the Shelf tradition, then raise your face masks in the air if you are in favor!

How to keep your Elf on the Shelf at bay at bit longer

A mom on Facebook named Hilary Soria shared her ingenious hack for not having to move her Elf on the Shelf for a full two weeks. Her family's Elf has to quarantine for 14 days since he just traveled from the North Pole. And shouldn't all responsible messengers to Santa follow his lead?


"This should help you mamas!" Soria captioned her viral photo of her Elf in a jar, wearing a mini-face mask, and holding onto hand sanitizer and Lysol spray. At time of writing, this super-helpful suggestion had received 446,000 shares, 10,000 likes, and 15,000 comments. Most parents found it hilarious, with some sharing their own versions of what Elf on the Shelf quarantine looks like at their homes.

In the end, 2020 has been depleting beyond belief. If parents can use the circumstances to their advantage to give themselves a small break this holiday season, while teaching kids a valuable lesson about safety during these trying times, then hey, why not?

