Why Mary Kay Makeup Products Aren't Worth The Money

You'll find plenty of people who endorse Mary Kay makeup products — many of them are likely Mary Kay consultants, as this is who sells the brand. Unfortunately, you'll also find many people who have had bad experiences with Mary Kay, and would warn you not to spend your money on the products. A quick visit to Consumer Affairs' website proves the reviews are mixed, with one horror story about receiving an expired mascara being relayed this way: "I emailed the Mary Kay representative several times and did not get a reply. I emailed Mary Kay website directly and received a reply they received my email and had 3 days to respond back. No response back has been provided. I called the customer service telephone number several times with just being put on hold."


Beyond the poor customer service complaints that dominate this site, other users note the products don't meet the hype. About a lotion she purchased, one woman said, "Doesn't work or smell as good as the samples. Very disappointed, first and last time ever purchaser. Will never buy from Mary Kay products again."

There are even more reasons people warn against buying Mary Kay products

Another area where people aren't so happy with Mary Kay makeup is what they are subjected to just to purchase products. "I've personally had many Mary Kay consultants purposefully point out my flaws in public to make a sale," one non-fan shared on Reddit. Some admit to actively trying to avoid attending Mary Kay parties and what they call "predatory" practices by sales reps. "I don't care if people want to sell Mary Kay. But I want to be left alone!" one commenter shared.


Other detractors have shared their skin had bad reactions to the products, with one chat room user saying, "I went to a Mary Kay demo and broke out from nearly everything I tried. I have never broken out from any other product" (via Imamother.com). "My dd started using mary kay makeup and she keeps breaking out terrible eczema patches on her face,around her eyes and lips. My consultant says she never heard of anyone reacting to their products," seconded another commenter.

The hatred for Mary Kay makeup is so intense, Pinktruth.com is literally dedicated to exposing the "evils" behind the MLM-based business model.

