The Surprising Reason Betty White Says A Sense Of Humor Is Important

Happy birthday to Betty White. The almost 99-year-old (cue applause here) has not only had an impressive run in age, but has also been successful working as an actor for nearly eight decades, per IMDB. The Golden Girls and Mary Tyler Moore star's success and impressive zest for life, makes it impossible to not want to wrap up every word she says and consider it a gift for how to live an amazing life. Luckily, she's speaking up and we're here to take it in.


First things first, White appears to be a realist. Good health is key to longevity and White knows this. "I am blessed with good health," she simply states, "so turning 99 is no different than turning 98 " (via People). Another tip from White would be to stay active. "Keep busy, and don't focus everything on you—that wears out pretty fast," she advises. "It's not hard to find things you're interested in, but enjoy them, and indulge them and, I think that keeps you on your toes" (via Well + Good).

Betty White also says it's important to stay positive

Entertainer and friend, Tom Sullivan, shares that White practices what she preaches. "She reads the L.A. Times cover to cover," he shares. "She owns literally thousands of crossword puzzle books and is constantly doing them to keep her mind jumping. This is really serious with her "(per Fox 6). White is also an optimist. "I know it sounds corny, but I try to see the funny side and the upside, not the downside" she says (via Well + Good). Surely this statement doesn't surprise anyone, as she is always seen with a warm smile and just brimming with positive vibes. 


She goes on to reiterate how important seeing the funny side is to a long life. "Again, having a sense of humor," she says. "Just looking at the positive side and not dwelling on the downside. Takes up too much energy being negative." And in a typical Hollywood style ending, White adds she also has "a good agent who keeps me busy all the time" (via People). We may not all have agents, but we are certainly allowed to be the agents of our own lives and add an extra dash of humor to them.

