Cindy McCain Responds To GOP Backlash On The View

Meghan McCain interviewed her mother remotely Cindy McCain on The View, and the McCain matriarch didn't hold back on what she thought of the Republican party right now (via YouTube). The convo centered on the potential punishment Cindy McCain faced from the Arizona Republican party, which plans to vote on censuring the McCain widow in large part because of her support of Joe Biden for president (via The Wall Street Journal).


"Why do you think there's so much anger at our family [...]?" Meghan asked. Her mother didn't seem super worried about it, as she sees what she's done as right for the country, and she followed up by saying, "I'm in good company. Your dad was censured by them. I think I'm going to make t-shirts for everyone, and wear them."

Meghan voiced confusion as to why a censure would happen at all considering the context of what happened in the latest election. "It seems very angry and bigger for a state that's now blue, and obviously it went to President-Elect Biden and the state is changing, and it's your home and your father was born and raised in Arizona. I was born and raised in Arizona. You were born and raised [in Arizona]. I don't understand the anger and hostility. I found it deeply hurtful. I know you did too."


Cindy McCain sees a brighter future for the Republican Party

"Well I think what we have seen here is when I began in the Republican party officially, the Republican Party was the party of inclusion. It was the party of generosity. It was the party of country first," explained Cindy. She went on to explain her hopes for the future of the Republican party, saying, "We have lost our way, and I truly hope that as things progress on and we get further away from this mess that occurred, that we can do just that. We can get back on track and remind everyone that we're here for the country and not our party."


The proposed formal censure from AZ Central started with, "WHEREAS, Cindy Hensley McCain, the wife of the late Arizona US Senator John McCain, has supported leftist causes such as gay marriage, growth of the administrative state, and others that run counter to Republican values, a Republican form of government, and the US Constitution." It went on to mention how she didn't support President Trump but did support Biden, and it ends with "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Arizona Republican Party members meeting at their January 23, 2021 Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, hereby object to Cindy McCain being a member of the Republican Party and officially censure her; FURTHER, the Republican Party in the State of Arizona agrees to dissolve any connections whatsoever to Cindy McCain."


