The Jerry Seinfeld Interview On Larry King Live We'll Never Forget

As the world mourns the death of esteemed and to-the-point interviewer Larry King, it a ton of people are enjoying looking back on the broadcaster's long life and rewatching favorite interviews, especially those featured on Larry King Live. King recently celebrated his 87th birthday and hosted the show for 25 years and was well-known for his direct style and his incredible fashion sense — particularly those suspenders (via Biography). 


One of the more interesting clips that's going around today is a 2007 interview with Jerry Seinfeld. In the interview, King is talking about Seinfeld's show, the uber-popular sitcom that ran for nine seasons across 108 episodes (via IMDb). King says, "You gave it up right? They didn't cancel you? You canceled them." Which sets up an amazing back-and-forth between the two as Seinfeld was flabbergasted at the suggestion that he is the one who got canceled. 

'Do you know who I am?' says Jerry Seinfeld

Seinfeld is completely incredulous at the suggestion. "Are you under the impression I got canceled?" he asks, with the hint of a strained smile on his face. King doesn't get ruffled feathers about this one bit, though, which is no huge surprise — after decades of interviews, he's well known for being direct and to the point, and never crumples under fire. Seinfeld explains that when he went off the air, they were the No. 1 show in television and then asks what was probably the best question of the segment — "Do you know who I am?" Jerry goes on to rattle off a few more statistics, such as the huge number of viewers for the final episode — 75 million.


"There's a big difference between being canceled and being No. 1!" Seinfeld says.

After some laughter and an apology from King, the interview segues to Seinfeld's upcoming movie, The Bee Movie, as Jerry asks, "Can we get a resume in here for me?!"

