Here's Why You Get A Headache After Sex

Bumping and grinding all night does not mean your head has to bump and grind as well. If you have headaches after sex, it's not because you had a bad experience. According to Healthline, the phenomenon is called an orgasm headache, which is exactly the way it sounds — a headache that can happen right before you orgasm. When your blood pressure spikes, it can cause your blood vessels to dilate and movement can make the headaches worse. So in other words, the more you rock the boat, the more the pain will float. According to the Mayo Clinic, men are more likely to have sex headaches. Also individuals with a history of migraines are more likely to fall victim as well. 


Now how would you know if you are having a sex headache? Healthline reports that headaches can range from a dull pain, which can start from the back of your neck to a severe throbbing during or after an orgasm. Doctors say some people can experience both. Extreme cases can cause vomiting, loss of consciousness, stroke and coronary artery disease.

Researchers at the American Migraine Foundation said people who are sexually active and have a "new or never-evaluated headache" should be examined by their doctor for any underlying causes which can include conditions such as "subarachnoid hemorrhage, arterial dissection and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome." Furthermore a combination of neck and head pains can mean a variety of factors such as brain hemorrhage, stroke, tumor and aneurysm, Healthline reports.


Doctors say men are 3 to 4 times more likely to experience orgasm headaches.

According to the Neurology Times, about 1% of adults reported headaches during sexual activity, but doctors believe that number can be higher.

"Many people who experience headaches during sexual activity are too embarrassed to tell their physicians, and doctors often don't ask," said Dr. José Biller, Chair of the Department of Neurology with the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, told Neurology Times. Dr. Biller said men are actually three to four times more likely to experience orgasm headaches. "Headaches associated with sexual activity can be extremely painful and scary. They also can be very frustrating, both to the individual suffering the headache and to the partner," he added.


In other words, if your head hurts,  speak up and tell your partner. However, not all sex headaches are severe. Sometimes, its simple stress, lack of a healthy diet and for women, a side effect of birth control pills (via Mayo Clinic). 

Fortunate, Healthline suggests some preventative methods. The first and most effective method are good old-fashioned, over-the-counter pain relievers. Also, drinking more water, exercising and living an overall healthier lifestyle. And last but not least, it may not be the favorite option, but stopping the sexual activity before orgasm. On the downside, you're not fully satisfied but on the flip side, there are no headaches.

