Here's What A Wolf Moon Really Means

In case you have not noticed, various full moons carry with them specific meanings and names. And, since full moons take place in sequential astrological signs, they can impact different areas of our lives. From the more general monikers, like "Harvest Moon," to the garden variety, like "Strawberry Moon," these names have a lot to do with important aspects of our experiences. 


The first of these astrological occurrences to take place in 2021 is called the Wolf Moon. On Thursday, January 26th at 2:18 PM EST, Real Simple notes, the Wolf Moon is bringing with it some interesting areas of illumination. Since this full moon takes place in the sign of Leo, Bustle explains, it will likely help us feel more fiery against the cold backdrop of winter.

As far as the name of this full moon goes, we have to go way back. The Farmer's Almanac started using the moniker because, during this time of the year, people could hear wolves howling at the moon. Real Simple explains that people later discovered that wolves howl for practical reasons rather than to denote hunger. They howl to establish their territory, call for lost family members, and gather for hunting, the outlet explains. Nevertheless, the name stuck around long after this realization came to light.


Wolf Moon isn't its only name

While "Wolf Moon" seems to be a rather universal name, different cultures have other terms for it. Travel + Leisure reports that other populations refer to the January full moon as the "Center Moon" since it appears in the middle of winter. The Cold Moon, Freeze Up Moon and Severe Moon all stem from the season's frigid temperatures, the outlet explains. Essentially, the Farmer's Almanac bases the moon's names on indigenous cultures' nicknames for them, but other areas of the world have their own preferences.


Bustle reports that this full moon is a time to put our best foot — or paw — forward. Since the full moon takes place in courageous Leo, it calls us to make changes that feel best for us and move forward with confidence. The shadow side of this sign involves drama — with flare can come some ruffled feathers. Since Leo loves attention, be wary of coming in too hot. 

As far as full moons go, the sign that the moon lands in is always directly opposite from the sign the sun is traveling through. For 2021's Wolf Moon, the sun will be in airy Aquarius, while the moon stations in fiery Leo. The outlet explains that keeping a solid grip on your temper and slowing down when making decisions will be key for this time period. Furthermore, full moons also bring things in your life to completion, so allow yourself to grieve anything that no longer has a place in your life while welcoming in the new.


So, be confident, avoid drama, cool your jets, and enjoy the beautiful new era that this 2021 Wolf Moon is ushering in!

