Brian Williams Uses Jerry Maguire To Take A Surprising Dig At Trump

We may be used to seeing joking jabs at politicians on platforms like TikTok and in countless memes on Instagram, but the nightly news, even when it appears to have some partisan leanings in one direction or another, tends to give the appearance of being serious and stiff-upper-lipped. Among the longest-respected evening news hosts is Brian Williams, who currently hosts the MSNBC broadcast The 11th Hour (via Newsweek). On last night's episode, the journalist told his viewers and his guests that he was about to show a video of former president Donald Trump meeting with meeting with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy at his Mar-A-Lago resort. The two had been slated to discuss how to regain the majority for the republican party in the 2022 elections. 


In a video clip of the broadcast available on, Williams tells his guests and his viewers, "We are all about to see something for the first time... we have what I am told is the first video, exclusive video" of the meeting between the two politicians. What followed, however, was the iconic scene from romantic comedy/sports film Jerry Maguire, which starred Tom Cruise and Renée Zellweger. In the scene, which has become an unavoidable part of our cultural zeitgeist since its release in 1996, features Cruise's character Jerry trying to express his love and need for Zellweger's character, Dorothy, after a long separation. Jerry pleads, "I love you. You complete me," to which Dorothy replies, "Shut up. You had me at 'hello.'"     


The internet went nuts over the 'mistake'

Somehow, Williams managed not to laugh or to give any sign that the jabbing "mistake" was intentional, and instead told his guests, ""Obviously, we have rolled the wrong clip." He continued with perfect deadpan delivery, "We were sold a bill of good here. I thought this was going to be of the McCarthy and Trump meeting and someone is going to be, of course, in big trouble" (via 


As you might imagine, the internet and social media are having a field day. In response to the clip being shared on Twitter, folks have been laughing themselves silly, saying things like, "I love how long they let it go on... I just wish Brian had doubled down afterward by saying something like 'Revealing footage of the conversation between Trump and McCarthy... we wish them all the best as they embark on their new life together" and "That can't be an accident right? Bro, that might be the best news casting trolling that I've seen ever..."

Others marveled at Williams' deadpan delivery, tweeting, "The best part was Brian Williams keeping a straight face through it all. You'd hate to play poker with him. Best #PokerFace ever!!!" and "Beautifully done. Love it! Thanks BW. We all need a little levity."


