Kate Middleton Has Learned A Surprising New Skill In Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic has become the great equalizer. It has affected everyone of every age, race, faith, social status, and location, and it's changed the way everyone lives — even those who live in palaces and wear tiaras to formal events. Katherine, Duchess of Cambridge, may be married to the second man in line to the British throne, but not even she is immune to the pandemic's effects. She no doubt was anxious when husband Prince William became ill with the virus last spring (per Us Weekly), as did father-in-law Prince Charles. Thankfully, both royals recovered, but the family still had to abide by the restrictions imposed by the British government in an effort to contain the virus. It wasn't until June that the duke and duchess were able to go out on public appearances (via Today), and they spent Christmas alone with their children after the Queen canceled her traditional family gathering at Sandringham.


Most relatably of all, Kate Middleton has been trying as best she can to parent her three young children while schools and businesses are closed. How would she sum up the whole experience? "Exhausting!" she admitted during a recent video call with a group of fellow parents from the Roe Green Junior School. She doesn't have a very high opinion of her teaching prowess; when the school's principal asked the group to rate their math abilities from 1 to 10, Kate wrote "-5" (via the Cambridges' Instagram).

We won't be seeing a 'Kate's Hair Cuttery' anytime soon

The future Queen Consort also joined the masses who have tried a new skill while stuck at home with only essential businesses open. "[D]uring lockdown we've had to take on additional roles that others in our communities or in our lives would have helped us with," she confessed in the video. "I've become a hairdresser this lockdown, much to my children's horror." Fortunately, she has a good partner at her side to shoulder the added responsibilities. To the question "Who has been the greatest support to you during this pandemic?" Kate wrote in giant cursive letters, "William."


The video wasn't just a fun diversion on a homeschooling weekday. The duchess has spent the last nine years researching early childhood development (via Harper's Bazaar). She wants to get out the message that the events of a child's first five years of life have a major influence on their success later in life, and she has plans to promote early intervention and make life better for young children in the UK. Knowing that parents' well-being has a direct effect on their children, she praised the Roe Green panel for their efforts, and added, "Make sure everybody looks after themselves; it's very hard to prioritize, but it's definitely needed now more than ever."

